Anybody knows if the T752 is capable of surround back pre-out (I have a spare amp 2x130W) If sb is not available in the T752, is there such an alternative way to work around? Or the only choice is to go for the T762?
Thanks a bunch for helping.
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Music lover:
You can do this with the 752 by hooking your external amp to the pre-outs for the front main channels and reassigning the internal amp to power the rear speakers
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Are you sure the 752 has pre-outs and that it has the function to assign internal amp to power rear speakers? I only have one rear speaker. Is there any pre-out for rear channel?
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Are you sure the 752 has pre-outs and that it has the function to assign internal amp to power rear speakers? I only have one rear speaker. Is there any pre-out for rear channel?
I heard that using separate power amplifiers improve the sound significantly.
I already have a Denon avr-3803, will the sound improve significantly if I add separate power amps (say nad power amps, or other brands, which brands do you recommend?) using all the pre-outs from my Denon?
Will the nad T762 and T752 be the same if I use either one of them for pre-amp? The T752 will safe me 400 bucks for the separate power amp. Does nad make any pre-amp dts-es receiver instead of using the T752? Is it better to use nad receiver to pre-amp rather than my denon 3803?
What other brands would your recommend for dts-es pre-amp processor and what kind of power amps should go with them?
All speakers I have are 4 ohms speakers.
Thanks so much for your expertise.
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Anyone knows how much better a NAD poweramp can do vs the NAD T762? Looks like the NAD T762 is comparable to separates?
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Music lover:
I also have the Denon and it have found over some time that the music is a bit "dry." Adding an outboard amp and using the Denon as your pre/pro unit is one way to go. Is there anythig about the Denon's control features that you particularly like? Something to consider. The problem is that getting a nice 6 or 7 channel amp, it will cost you as much, or more, as the 752. The best one I know is the Outlaw 7100 which has seven channels at an honest 100 watts each, but it cost $899, same as the MSRP on the 752. I am unaware of a multi-channel NAD power amp that would be price competitive.
Part of your problem is the fact that the Denon is not comfortable with 4 ohm speakers. I had my Denon driving Magnepans for a couple of months and smelled ozone whenever I played music for very long. Given your 4 ohm speakers, I think you need to move to the an NAD receiver. If you want the six channels, go with the 762 and don't look back. It is an awesome receiver.
I don't think you will notice any difference between an NAD receiver and an NAD power amp. First time I heard a 742 receiver, I was shocked precisely because it sounded like quality separates. More power with a power amp, to be sure, but in terms of the quality of sound, I doubt it.
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I own this a/v reciever and assure you it does have this capabilty.
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I have a 752 and used it with a power amp during the past weekend and it made a huge difference. I am on the lookout for a poweramp to use on a permanent basis in my setup - driving the main front speakers. Those two openings on the powerstage will be linked up the the back two channels for the 6th/7th channels, and I am shure that it will sound better than a 762. Why? Because you now have two supplies and not only one.