I'm having trouble with my Denon 1802. My sub isn't coming on as much as it used to( its on automatic) and the volume output is lower than when I first bought it. Also, when I listen to 5ch stereo while watching TV the processing sometimes gets messed up. Voices come out of the right rear while music comes out of the left rear. Speaker levels are all at zero but when I started having the problems they all went out of balance. Is my reciever going or is there some kind of adjustment I can make? When I bought the reciever I was pretty new to home theater and did't have it hooked up right for a while. But I have connected everything correctly since. Maybe I damaged the processer?? What do you guys think??
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I have an 1801 and an 1803.
First, activate the test tone and make sure the speaker come on in the right sequence - it should be clockwise, starting with the left front and ending with the sub.
If that's OK try listening to a CD or DVD. I have found that a lot of TV programs have thier channels mixed up, especially loud commercials and the wrong thing will come out of the wrong speaker. UPN is the worst.
Check your cables. The Pro-logic decoding is very dependent upon perfect channel balance. If one cable isn't producing the same level output as the other, the decoder will swing all of the audio to one side or the other.
Also recheck the sub itself--some models are set to power down if they don't receive signals with deep bass. For example, if you watch a news broadcast, your sub might go into a "sleep" mode until some deep bass is sent again. And of course, it takes a few seconds for it to wake up.