I Recently purchashed a receiver and speakers (Panasonic SA-HE200 and DefTech 80's)to complete my home theater system. We already had a Sony NC615 DVD player. My problem is that the sound occasionally drops out for a second or so while playing movies and cd's. Doesn't seem to matter on the mode the receiver is in (DD, DPL II). If I replay the same scene, sometimes it works perfectly, sometimes not.
In the past when we had the DVD player connected directly to the TV we had the occasional freeze frame type glitch but, this seems to be different. I'm using a digital coax connection between the two pieces of equipment.
Any opinions on whether the player or receiver is at fault? If the receiver is the problem I want to haul it back to Circuit City before my 30 days are up.
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I would start to suspect the DVD player unless this happens while you are watching Broadcast TV.Maybe your digital coaxial cable is loose?Or maybe a loose speaker wire?If it only happens during DVD use and you had problems before you got your reciever(I own the SA-HE100,and it is nice)I would hook up the dvd player to another reciever to see if you can get it to happen.Maybe you have a buddy that has a HTS?
I agree--the DVD player is the likely culprit. Your particular brand (Panasonic) and its Matsushita counterparts (like JVC) are infamous for developing laser problems. I suspect that's what's happening. I had a JVC player with a weak laser and I experienced similar types of things. With a warranty repair now complete, everything's fine. If your DVD player is still under warranty--for parts AND labor--you could have it checked out. Otherwise, don't even bother with a repair--just get a new one for $100.