One thing I noticed about the C920 is the the bass management doesn't funtion in 2 channel playback. If I play a stereo cd through the analog outs my sub turns off. I wasn't sure if you were aware of this. I just change my subs to speaker input and turn on the low pass filter. If on the other hand you just have your sube set to LFE input you'll lose all the bass.
I didn't know that, BUT, I'm not using the Yam's bass management at all. I use the HK's BM which I think is the greatest.
Oh, and hey thanks for the email last week, some great reading!
Phil Krewer
Posted on
Your welcome,
I guess I should rephrase that as using the L/R channel of the 6 channel output provides no bass management. I have a DVD-A that has 192/24 stereo tracts on it and if I go through the multichannel setting than there's no bass manangement. Now I could go through the 2 channel analog mode and get bass management from the receiver,but then I'm going through the DACs of the DVD player, to get re-digitilized by the receiver, then to go through the DACS of the receiver. I'm not sure I like that, which I guess we were wrong when we said that by going analog you bypass the DACs of the reciever.
I know that the HK 525 will redigitalize the 6 channel input, but I'm not sure I like that either as again your sending it through the DAC of the DVD player, to the ADC of the get the picture.
It would have been nice to have some bass management in the DVD player that would avoid this. But, considering I'm not inclined to go through all that processing. IMO, it defeats the purpose of having DVD-A. I'll just let my speakers handle it.
How did you like the $90,000 speaker set. I can't imagine spending that kind of money for speakers.
>>How did you like the $90,000 speaker set. I can't imagine spending that kind of money for speakers.>>
I'm refinancing the house now in consideration...RIGHT! I don't consider anything for $90k unless it comes with bedrroms, bathrooms and a view ;-)
Phil Krewer
Posted on
Yeah, I wouldn't spend that for speakers if I had money to burn. Crazy thing, I was looking at the AVS forum and they had a poll about how much you spent on you home theater and it was about 5% that said greater than $150,000, if I remember right.
Speaking of AVS. Its another forum that's very close to hometheater forum and I don't think you have to bastardize your name. You might want to check it out.
Phil Krewer
Posted on
Make that $50,000, still a lot of money on HT.
On another note I bought a DVD-A disc that had a DTS 96/24 tract. What supprised me is that it played, but I couldn't figure out if it down mixed it or not. Do you know if this player is capable of DTS 96/24.