Densen B-110?


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Username: Juha

Post Number: 1
Registered: Apr-06
I'm considering buying a B-110 to hook up with my Dynaudio 42s.

I'd like to get musicality, realism especially with (female) vocals and a good 3D with life-like separation of singers / instruments. Combo has to sound good with solo vocalists, soul, r&b, choir, Bach and heavy metal (oh, yes).

I had a possibility to audition B-110 + Dyn42 for a while. Well, "good", but it was wrong environment and a way too short time to tell anything for sure. Anyhow, something made me think B-110 could be "the one", although I had to go up with the volume to some 145 (in 1-200 volume scale of the unit) to make Angie Stone to sound "live on stage"..

MF 3.5, which I had a chance to hook up with 42s for a few hours, provided a most realistic listen with Dyn42, but maybe a bit too relaxed and distant. Seemed to have plenty of power reserves. Ugly remote!

I don't know what updated Creek 5350 might have to offer, since I haven't heard even the old one, but I heard a recommendation of that too. What should I expect in comparison to MF or Densen, if I travel to audition it?

I guess You've figured out my price range. All recommendations are more than welcome, but I'm especially interested in hearing Your findings on Densen unit. Good and bad. ;-)


ps. At the moment I have a NAD. It's "ok", but nowadays I consider it a bit soggy with limited realism.

New member
Username: Juha

Post Number: 2
Registered: Apr-06
Nobody bought the amp yet? Anyone to share their views on Densen B-110?

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Username: Dudywoxer


Post Number: 2
Registered: Mar-06
I personally think you will find the MF laid back and relaxed sounding after the Densen unit. The denson has good drive, and power to spare, a mix of PRAT and musicality that is very difficult to match. Before making a decision you owe it too yourself and you bank balance to try and hear the Rega Cursa/maia combo as well

New member
Username: Juha

Post Number: 3
Registered: Apr-06
> power to spare

Actually, I found MF to sound more powerful based on the short audition with Densen; if I wouldn't have gotten worried about Densen's ability to provide enough power for the probable future speaker upgrage, I might have carried it home already.

Another matter which I noticed during the Densen audition was that the soundstage was smaller than one of Primare's (I preferred Densen otherwise). It made me a bit worried too: a good soudstage is a major factor for me to really enjoy my music.

Well, a practical thing which truly stopped me from buying the unit was that the dealer didn't have a Gizmo remote in store. I need a remote! Thus, I don't know if e.g. annoyingly red display can be dimmed or not: the dealer didn't tell, since I forgot to ask.. :-)

Rega.. Right.. There's something about Rega I don't like.. The looks. I've never heard any Rega.. Yes, I probably should! Thanks for a reminder to put that on my shortlist.

Gold Member
Username: Stu_pitt

Irvington, New York USA

Post Number: 1166
Registered: May-05
Also check out Naim Nait 5i, which probably does the PRaT thing better than anyone in the business.
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