Silver Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 894 Registered: May-05 | I'm currently doing some research and legwork to get ideas for an upgrade that'll happen at the end of the summer. I'm trying to get ahead of some bills now so it'll be easier to justify spending this much money to my loving and understanding wife. I've been looking into integrateds and pre/power combos at or around the $1200 - $1500 dollar range and cdp's to match with them. One that really grabs my interest is the Naim Nait 5i/CD5i combo. I know 50 Naim watts are meaningless, but I was wondering if this intergated is capible of driving and matches up well with the following - B&W 703 or 704 Paradigm Studio 60 or 100 Totem Staf or Hawk Vienna Mozart Grand Strictly 2 channel with no possibility of H/T. I will also be using my Pro-Ject 1Xpression table as often as possible. Right now the room is somewhat small, but I won't be living their for a long time. Down the road I'd need some flexibility in the amp being able to play at moderate to slightly loud levels in a larger room without worries. Main type of music is classic and modern rock/ metal - Sabbath, Santana, Steppinwolf, Tool, Korn, Godsmack, etc. I generally prefer towers and am not too fond of many sub/sat systems in my price range, not that I would avoid them at all costs. I'm going to audition the integrated and cdp this weekend or next weekend, but they don't have any speakers I've heard. I've never been to this dealer before, and the only thing I'm sure they have is the Naim combo and Rega speakers. They don't have a website, and when I called the gentleman seemed busy so I didn't want to ask him too many questions. The reason why I asked about the speakers above is that they are my favorite speakers that I can afford (some more a long shot than others). I've never heard Dynaudio, ProAc, or Quad but I'm going to track dealers of these down and have a listen. Frank - I know you have a lot of experience with most of these lines, any insight or am I way off base here? Art - I believe you said in the past that you've heard the Nait 5i/CD 5i combo and liked it. Any insight? Or do you think the PrimaLuna is far better? I know it's comparing apples and oranges, but hey, it's all fruit right? If anyone else has any insight, I would greatly appreciate your thoughts as well. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 2705 Registered: Feb-05 | I very much enjoy the Naim gear but wouldn't go back to solid state at this point. You and I listen to different music and probably have different needs relative to our systems. I think you can do better than the Paradigm Studio 60's and 100's at their price. The same holds true for the 700 series B&W's. I did hear the Rega R3 speakers yesterday and was amazed at how good they sound. They were being driven by an NAD C352 integrated. Honestly, if rock is your primary interest I'm not sure that the Naim combo would be right for you. I suggest you go and give some gear a test drive and let me (us) know your impressions and then we will have a better idea how your taste runs and can make better educated referrals. Yes, I do love the Prima Luna. It has transformed my music and the way I listen to it. Imagine how it will sound when it breaks in. Wow!!! |
Bronze Member Username: BcollinsRockport, MA United States Post Number: 57 Registered: Nov-05 | Hello Art, What are your concerns regarding the B&W 704's? I was considering buying a pair, but am not quite sure at this point. What towers would you suggest in that price range that would be better? I originally purchesed a pair of Dali Ikon 6's, but they proved too bright and forward and somewhat light in bass in my small and reflective room. I need speakers that can be placed within 2' of rear and side walls and prefer a smooth rather than clinical presentation. thank you for any help you can provide, Bill |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 2706 Registered: Feb-05 | Hope I'm not in trouble here. I like both B&W and Paradigm speakers I just think that certain models have very stiff competition at their price. The 704 is my favorite in the 700 range. Well balanced and without the B&W tendency toward less than ideal driver integration. Again, at or near it's price I can think of a lot of speakers that would give them a good run. For instance the ProAc Studio 140 or the Spendor S6e and on and on. As you have stated an interest in a speaker with a smooth presentation I think perhaps your first inclination toward the B&W 704 sounds like a good one. They really are a very good speaker and their cabinet is beautiful. Keep onlistening and good luck with your shopping Bill. |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 1186 Registered: Sep-04 | Heh heh, My favourite of the B&W700 series is the 703, mainly because of the superb midrange drive unit. That said, I am not a big fan of the 700 series since I find they need a lot of space around them and set rooms off very easily. There's a lot of fidelity there, but I don't think they work that well in real rooms. I also find it interesting that B&W have launched another range (the XT) at almost exactly the same price points, so I wonder how long the 700 series has left in it. On this basis, Bill, I think the 700 series is not for you! Stu, I don't know the Paradigms nor the Viennas. You've just read my view on the 700 series. You know I like Totems a great deal. The Arro seems a match made in heaven with the 5i Naim kit. They just sing together. The Sttaf is the weakest Totem speaker in their range. It gets demoed a lot but people choose other things. I think the Hawk is excellent. I wouldn't go further up the scale without more power. I am not a fan of the Rega speakers. I find very little there in terms of redeeming qualities. I was very disappointed when I heard them, as were the rest of the crew in the shop. Dynaudio is a very good match with Naim too. You can look at the Audience 62 and Audience 72, both towers and excellent if you like what they do. It's a shame you don't want standmounts because Dynaudio's Focus 110 works a treat with the 5i. A difficult choice between a FOCUS 110 and Arros - not sure which I would choose. One other brand you haven't considered is Naim itself! Naim speakers are very much an acquired taste, but the kind of music you mention is right up Naim's street. Naim speakers go fairly close to the wall and are not toed in for best results. the entry level tower from Naim is the Ariva. It can be a bit 'big' in the bass, but it's very communicative and energetic. Their smallest speaker (a standmount called the n-Sat) is also a peach and just so much fun it ought not be legal. The Naim electronics is very flexible and fully functioned with unity gain input for insertion into surround systems on the amp as an extra goodie. The matching CD player is also great fun although the new Rega Apollo is cheaper and can show it a trick or two. Still, if you like the Naim presentation, you'll probably still choose the Naim over the Rega. If you go for the Naim electronics, make sure you buy Naim's speaker cable with a minimum of 3.5m per side (same length sides). This definitely gives best results with Naim gear. What else? Oh yes, Naim are introducing a one-box solution called the n-Vi (pronounced envy) sometime in February. This is going to be home theatre in a box. I have heard an early production unit and it is very very good. At just under twice the price of the CD5i/Nait5i it's not cheap but it plays music from CDs really well, and you get excellent DVD surround sound and one of the best pictures in the industry! Good luck with your ruminations. Regards, Frank. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 2708 Registered: Feb-05 | Audio is much like automobiles, as many opinions as there are drivers. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 2709 Registered: Feb-05 | BTW that's a good thing! |
Bronze Member Username: BcollinsRockport, MA United States Post Number: 58 Registered: Nov-05 | Thank you Art & Frank, I've never heard of the XT series. Do you know where I can find info on them or when they may become availible in the US? Also, I had read in a review somewhere that the 704 was easy to place. Is this not the case? I generally listen at pretty low volumes so would like to get full and ballanced sound at low volume. Would either of these speakers be better than the other for this purpose? thank you, Bill |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 895 Registered: May-05 | I greatly appreciate everyone's input. As I mentioned, I haven't heard the Naim electronics or the Rega electronics before. I'm leaving in about 20 minutes or so to the dealer. I haven't been their before and from the names he said over the phone, I haven't heard any of their products. One thing that turned me on to looking into Naim is that almost review says they are great for rock music. I generally take what reviewers say with a golf ball sized grain of salt. I'll let everyone know my impressions later. I'm in the process of hearing what's out there and listening to different gear that I haven't heard before. I'm trying to go up a step from the NAD, Rotel, etc level. Everything I've really spent enough time around in the past is either too expensive - McIntosh, Bryston, Sonus Faber; or a little 'below' the level I want. The Stereophile Buyer's Guide has helped me to determine what I may be able to afford, and now I'm trying to find dealers and hear the gear. Thanks again!!! |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 2716 Registered: Feb-05 | Stu, the Prima Luna phono section is to die for! Hint Hint!!! |
Silver Member Username: My_rantzAustralia Post Number: 229 Registered: Nov-05 | Stu - here's a link you might find interesting. This guy is the Aussie distributor for Spendor speakers and has listening notes on those and the Naim gear. My brother recently purchased a pair of 8Se's and is in music heaven I believe. M.R. |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 896 Registered: May-05 | I tried posting Saturday after I got back, and again the rest of the weekend with no success. It kept telling me the page was unavailable. Anyway... I listened to the Nait 5i/CD5i combo through Linn Katan speakers. I've never listened through the Katans before and haven't heard anything about them, so some of my impressions may be due to the speakers. I'm going to make an appointment when it gets closer to the time to buy. I'll listen through a variety of speakers and a few other components. I really liked the presentation of the Naim gear. It wasn't like anything else I've heard in the past. Here's what I liked the most - Clichéd 'pace, rhythm, attack, and timing' Forward without being in your face Very clean transparent sound, yet not clinical Made very bad recordings (un-remastered "Voodoo Child" for example) enjoyable What I thought its weak points were - Got a little edgy when music became loud and complex Didn't image particularly well Any thoughts here? I don't know how much of this was the speakers, and how much was the Naim gear. I also listened to a Rega Planet through the same system. I thought it was about 98% as good as the CD5i. It smoothed out some of the edginess, but it was very slightly colored sounding relative to the CD5i. If I had to bring home one of the two CDP's, it would have been the Planet hands down due to the $700 retail price difference. If both were the same price, I'd have taken the CD5i. The dealer didn't have the Apollo yet; he said they are back ordered from the distributer and should have them within the next week or two. If they still have a few Planets in stock and the Apollo doesn't blow the Planet out of the water, I might have to pick up a Planet because it may be too good a deal to pass up. I don't think I've heard the true potential of the set-ups. The Linn's are a $1000 bookshelf speaker and no sub was connected. They did very well, but I'm not too fond of bookshelves in general. Actually, I don't know if it's the bookshelves I don't like or subs within my price range, but that's another conversation. When I make the appointment, I'll bring my PSB's for sort of a 'frame of reference.' I'll also listen through Naim Arriva's and Rega R5's (Can't remember exactly which Rega). I'll interchange Naim and Rega CDP's (if I don't get the Planet) and integrateds. I didn't get a chance to hear the Rega Mira, but based on their CDP's and TT's, I'm sure it'll sound pretty good. Also, the shop is the best shop I've been in. They have a small family-style staff that is very knowlegdible and hospitible (even offered me drinks and snacks). Some places tend to treat 'budget gear' shoppers who aren't buying something immediately a little differently. I was looking into their cheapest priced gear by far, and wasn't treated any differently than anyone else there. They don't advertise much if at all, and I don't think they have a web page. I think the majority of their business is long time repeat and loyal customers. If you're in the Westchester, NY area, you should definately check out Accent on Music in Mount Kisco. The next pieces I'll be tracking down are - Arcam A80 Arcam CD192 Creek A50iR & Classic 5350SE Creek Classic CD-50 MkII Cyrus 6VS & 8VS Cyrus CD6 The only gear I've heard above is Arcam, but I didn't listen closely enough at the time to come up with an accurate assessment. As always, opinions are welcomed and encouraged. Thanks again. |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 1195 Registered: Sep-04 | Stu, LOL, imaging? What's that? No, but seriously, I'd say your description is pretty close to what I'd expect for the Naim presentation. Naim kit does imaging but in a very different way to the more typical HiFi gear on the market. It portrays an image but the image is not brought into the room, rather it's behind the plane of the speakers. Some people prefer the in-the-room experience, some rather it to have its space and a bit more distance. Naim speakers have a very different presentation, but I'll let you find out what that's about! I'm surprised you thought the Planet was that close to the CD5i. Was the dealer using the standard Naim interconnect? If so, I'd expect the CD5i to leave the Planet for dead. Some dealers try to use aftermarket cabling with Naim kit. This is a mnistake. Although the aftermarket cabling usually has significant benefits in terms of resolution and detail, it will more than likely not be so hot in terms of musicality, pace, rhythm, timing. I know you say it's already got it in spades but it really does make a difference. Also I wonder if he was using Naim speaker cable (cheaper than most) which also does 'something' even though it's obviously flawed. The Apollo is a whole other ballpark. It absolutely dumps on the Planet so the comparison is much more interesting from my point of view. It's certainly worth a listen since we have been comparing it to more expensive players than even the CD5i... Linn Katans are probably Linn's most musical speaker. Yes they're a bit restricted in scale and depth but musically, they rock most of the time. The Arivas will give much more scale, throw up a nice big soundstage (what's known as the Naim wall of sound) and generally play rock like the wild music it should be. Not necessarily likeable (they take few prisoners) but exciting. The Naim speakers are usually better placed nearer the rear wall, further apart than is normally the case for speakers, and toed in only very little. If you don't get a big expansive soundstage, they're probably not in the right place. As to the other kit, I think the Creek will run the Naim closest. Creek own the EPOS speaker brand so they'll be well worth a listen if you get the chance. I'm thinking in particular of the M12.2 which is a large standmount. Not fantastic in plumbing the depths, but fabulous fun. The Cyrus kit is a more finely etched presentation, not really a rock band's paradise, more suited to jazz and classical in my view. Still good in its own way of course - and upgradeable. The Arcam tends to be a bit warm which can be mitigated with appropriate cabling. It's capable, pleasant to listen to, but it doesn't take the risks that the others do. Regards, Frank. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 2739 Registered: Feb-05 | Stu, if you like the sound of the Rega I would suggest you see if there are any Audio Refinement CD Complete Alpha's still available in your area. I think it sounds considerably better than the Planet at the same price. |
Bronze Member Username: BvanPost Number: 55 Registered: Jun-05 | now i'm confused. i've never had the chance to hear naim electronics but have always been facinated by peoples descriptions of them. usually they are described as being 'forward'(as stu says). but frank, your description of them imaging behind the speaker plane, this distant perspective, is this not the opposite of forward? cheers b |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 901 Registered: May-05 | I should probably rephrase my statement that the Planet was 98% as good as the CD5i. I should have said that I thought the Planet was about 98% as enjoyable as the Planet. I thought the CD5i was superior in just about every way, but at the end of the day I liked the Planet almost as much. I got a chance to sit down and listen to the Arcam gear the other night. Speakers were Totem Arro's. I've heard the Arro's on a number of different set ups in the past, so I had a good sense of what was doing what. It sounded very good. Relative to the Naim and Rega gear, I thought it was a little lack-luster. It didn't convey the emotion that the Naim and/or Rega gear did. Maybe it was missing that PRAT aspect. I couldn't agree more with Frank's assessment - "It's capable, pleasant to listen to, but it doesn't take the risks that the others do." I guess nothing risked, nothing lost. Frank - All cabling was Naim - Speaker wire and Dins. When the Planet was used, he switched to the Rega interconnects that come with it. The more I think about it, the more I see what you're saying about the Naim's imaging. Your description of 'traditional' imaging as I know it and what Naim does are right on. I still prefer the way most other gear images, but it's definately not a make or break thing. I could easily live with how the Nait imaged. I'm getting kind of antsy to hear the Nait5i/CD5i/Arriva combo, and the Apollo. Art - I'm interested in the Audio Refinement line as well. I've been trying to find Audio Refinement dealers in my area without any luck. They don't have them listed on their website, and a google search turns up dealers on your side of the country. Am I missing a link somewhere on their web page? I'm going to go back to their page and see if I can contact them for the information. Bvan - What Frank and the professional reviewers say sound contradictory to each other, but it's not. The only way to really make sense of it is to hear the Naim gear. It's presentation is a lot different that most gear out their. As they say, some people love it and refuse to buy anything else, and others hate it. Thanks again everyone. The search continues... Anyone have any other suggestions for gear that I haven't listed? The ideal budget is around $3000 total for the integrated amp and CDP. I'm pretty sure I'm going to upgrade the speakers next year rather than this year. I really didn't set out to spend this much money, but I figured I'd better do it before Mrs. Stu starts talking about little Stu's. Once that happens, I figure I'll probably be broke until I retire. Thanks again... |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 1204 Registered: Sep-04 | Stu, It's weird isn't it? The Naim presentation is exciting and fun, the imaging is further away (as you'd expect with a band on a stage) and yet it can 'sound' upfront. Difficult to describe. The Arivas may be a bit of a shock actually. They're a head turner sonically. Bevan, sorry, can't really describe it better... Regards, Frank. |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 949 Registered: May-05 | I definately know why the reviewers all say you'll either love it or hate it. I scratched Cyrus off the list. It was great sounding gear, yet not what I truly had in mind. The only one left is the Creek gear, which I'll hear in a week or two. No one has any Audio Refinement gear left in my neck of the woods. |
Bronze Member Username: BvanCape Town, Copenhagen,... Post Number: 71 Registered: Jun-05 | luck of lucks! i found a shop here that stocks naim (after living in the city more than a year) and had a listen last weekend. impressions very favourable ![]() they were paired with some apparently fairly decent speakers which i know nothing about(emilie by raidho i think) the most noticable aspect of the presentation was its pace, almost like the cd was spinning faster. nice with the dave matthews bands' before these crowded streets, and it really got my adrenilin going when i put on some driving psychedelic trance! overall i wouldnt have swapped the system for what i got at home, but i realize i was listning as more to the speakers and room than the electronics. hard to sort out the different contributions to the overall sound obviously. for example the system was too bright for my tastes for example, but i'd put that down to room furnishings(or lack thereof). soundstaging was kind of flat and further back, but speakers werent that far out and there was an equipment rack between them...but i was not really listning for anything specific, i actually tried to switch off that analytical side of my brain and just see how enjoyable the music was. my sensitive ears aside, i was that. would love to try the nait5i in my system(with less sensitive dynaudios), but as i'm not in a possition to buy i wont waste the shops time by taking the amp home. if one comes up on ebay later on in the year i think i'll be happy enough to buy it unheard. bit of a gamble(power wise only) but i can always flog it again for little loss. b. |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 1206 Registered: Sep-04 | Stu, Did you get any further in your search? Regards, Frank. |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 965 Registered: May-05 | Frank, I heard the Cyrus gear. As always, it sounded exactly as you described it (not that I've been going in with preconceived notions). It is very good gear, but didn't do what the Naim gear did for my music. Naim is still the front-runner. If I do get the Nait, I'm pretty sure I'll pair it with a Rega CDP (still haven't heard the Apollo). I'm trying to track down a Rega dealer who has their amplification products on display. What are your opinions on their integrateds and seperates? I could swing their seperates and cdp, but don't know how they compete with other products dollar for dollar and sound wise. I've heard a few mixed reactions about their amplification, sound quality wise. I'm having a lot of fun listening to different gear that I haven't heard before. The best part of my search has been the dealers I've met that I wouldn't have otherwise. Surprisingly, the ones who sell very high end gear have been the most helpful and down to earth. On Saturday I went to a shop who listed Rega, Creek, and Audio Refinement on their site. They don't stock that gear; 99% of their business is custom installation and demos are by appointment only (didn't know they did this). In the front room where he keeps a lot of demo stock, he had more high end gear than I've ever seen in one place. Their were stacks of boxes with names like Halcro, McCormack, Conrad Johnson, Musical Fidelity, etc. It was a kid in a candy store type mess. We had a very informative conversation that lasted about an hour while he was setting up a Halcro system and a Dehavilland system. He knew I couldn't afford a single thing he stocks, yet took his time to answer any questions I had about gear, knew exactly which dealers had what, and told me who to talk to if I went their. After he was done setting them up, he said he had about 30 minutes before the customer was supposed to be their, and let me play with the Halcro system while he had lunch. When (not if) I win the lottery, I'll pay him a visit for one of my many systems. All in all it's been a good time. |
Gold Member Username: ArtkAlbany, Oregon USA Post Number: 2825 Registered: Feb-05 | Stu, sometime soon if not already YBA will stop manufacturing the Audio Refinement brand and will be building a new budget line with the YBA name on it. If you like the YBA sound, I understand this gear will really be something special. |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 967 Registered: May-05 | Art - I still haven't come across YBA or Audio Refinement. I'm going to make it a point to hear what they have to offer before any final decision is made. I missed AR gear at one shop by about 2 weeks. I'm in no real hurry to get or hear the equipment (unless it's discontinued like the AR gear). Everyone I contacted regarding the AR gear has sold out, and no one has anything new from them. I would have loved to hear it. I imagine the dealers will have the new line when it comes out. If you hear it or about it and when it comes out, please let me know. |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 1209 Registered: Sep-04 | Stu, That's exactly the kind of service anyone should get when they visit a store like that. You may not win the lottery (sorry) but you might find yourself in a position to consider that man's wares one day and if you do, that's where you'll go because of the favourable impression. I'm glad you're having fun - there's little point in going into this if it weren't. Regards, Frank. |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 1211 Registered: Sep-04 | Rega's electronics are another take, similar to Naim but more focussed on pace. The new Apollo is remarkable value for money and the amps are pretty good. The Mira was recently upgraded (last 3 months) but there's been no announcements about the changes. The changes are enough to make the Mira a lot more interesting than it had been. The Brio and Cursa/Maia are very good value too, provided you like what they do. The built-in MM phono stage which the amps can be ordered with is very good indeed. All in all, pretty good if you like what they do. One caveat - they're a bit of a one-trick pony. Engaging as hell, but not much else. regards, Frank. |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 974 Registered: May-05 | "That's exactly the kind of service anyone should get when they visit a store like that." You're definately right, but it happens a lot less often then it should. Most people have the idea that if you can't afford what they have, you have no business being there and are a waste of their time. The dealer I talked to on Sunday said that their's too many people in this and a lot of other fields with that mentality. I couldn't agree more. Anyway... How would something that is "engaging as hell" be a "one-trick pony?" I always though if something was engaging it combined most or all of the attributes that we look for. Then again, if to my ears a company like Krell does just about everything right and still seems to lack musicallity, I guess it can go the other way too. The best bet is to track it down and listen to it. It's probably going to be along the same lines of Naim's imaging being pushed back while the sound is projected forward. Hard to describe, yet painfully obvious when you hear it for yourself. |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 1212 Registered: Sep-04 | A little transistor radio can be engaging but hasn't much in the way of HiFi attributes. So another oone-trick pony - very engaging but no quality, no expansiveness, no soundstage etc. Rega's presentation is not as bad as that, but its real strength is that engaging factor. Regards, Frank. |
Silver Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USA Post Number: 981 Registered: May-05 | As always Frank, very good point. If I can get to a Rega amplification dealer this weekend, I'll let you know my thoughts. |
Bronze Member Username: Clarence_yIllinois USA Post Number: 21 Registered: Apr-06 | I know I got to this thread late but I have just stumbled across it and am still confused by the statement that the Rega Mira 3 is a "one trick pony", "engaging but not much else". What are the perceived shortcomings with the Mira 3's presentation? Is its presentation perceived to be engaging but clinical in its approach and lacking in musicality? |
Gold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 2713 Registered: Dec-04 | Engaging is a very effective description of a kit. My guess is that the Mira is pleasing and satisfying, but unable or unwilling to present itself in any other manner than straight up. Pressing the unit in different direction, such as electronica, regge or metal might expose its equestrian nature. Then again, if one does not need the flexibility, the description and performance may mean squat. |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 1428 Registered: Sep-04 | Scoop - the Rega Brio is being upgraded to the Brio3 for no change in retail price. The Brio was already a fabulous value for money amplifier, the changes should make it even stronger competition. Regards, Frank. |
Bronze Member Username: Clarence_yIllinois USA Post Number: 25 Registered: Apr-06 | Frank, in an above post you mentioned the newer Dynaudio Focus line of speakers. In your opinion how does the Rega integrateds (Brio and Mira) pair up with the Focus line? |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 1432 Registered: Sep-04 | Clarence I haven't tried them. I wouldn't try them. The Brio and Mira are really only powerful enough to do the Audience range justice. The (current) Brio drives Audience 42s beautifully and the Mira can cope with 52s and 52SEs. The FOCUS range is quite a bit more difficult to drive. Regards, Frank. |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 1433 Registered: Sep-04 | Oh - and the Mira can cope with 62s too... |
Bronze Member Username: AngelloPost Number: 50 Registered: Oct-05 | frank when will be rega brio3 avaliable?? |
New member Username: Philipt95148Post Number: 1 Registered: Jun-06 | Hi all, I am new to this post but it's absolutely what I have been trying to find. How about the Monitor Audio RS6 to drive the Prima Luna and Rega Apollo combo? for classical, female vocal type of music. Either that or the Opera Platea Series 2 loudspeaker? |
Gold Member Username: Frank_abelaBerkshire UK Post Number: 1472 Registered: Sep-04 | Angello My understanding is that the Brio 3 will be available imminently. Philip, I have only limited acquaintance with the PL, so I don't know how it works with MA, although MA are generally relatively easy loads. Regards, Frank. |
New member Username: JmstankiPost Number: 2 Registered: Jul-06 | Yes, along those lines...I was thinking about the same thing. I have monitor audio rs6 and was thinking of getting either creek 5350se, naim nait 5i, or prima luna prologue two and matching with rega apollo CDP. (Maybe with Naim I'd try CD 5i). Any opinion which to get? (It's hard to find this stuff to demo!) I primarily like alternative music like killers, new pornographers but occasionally would listen to classical...not especially loud |
Silver Member Username: RavbainsMelbourneAustralia Post Number: 164 Registered: Mar-06 | James, just scanned this thread, very quickly. No real comments other than to let you know that Creek have a new integrated amp called the destiny. I heard the destiny playing in one of my local dealerships, with Rega Apollo and Dynaudio Focus 110. I don't know exactly what was doing what, but this sounded like a very pleasing trio...... (I went into the dealership to buy something as glamarous as spike footers....) ciao Rav |
Bronze Member Username: AngelloPost Number: 51 Registered: Oct-05 | new brio3! link: |