I'd say go with the Denon 3802. It beats out the HK and Yammie by far. It has everything, DTS-ES discrete, DD-EX, DD, DTS, DTS-neo, DPL2, etc. The 3801 got rave reviews in audioreview.com, and goes to say that this one will match or beat it's predecessar.
Of course, it's best to know what speakers you have or will get? What's the room it will be in (size)? What's the mix of usage... i.e. movies versus listening (audio)? So many factors in determining what's the right equipment for YOU.
Without knowning all that, we're just throwing out names of great receivers. So many factors. If money is no object... separates... Parasound, Rotel, Lexicon... (I'm sure I'll get bashed for that!) You'll want to "audition" the equipment perferably with a.) your speakers (or very similar to your speakers), b.) with your own source material (bring your CDs to the store with you!), and c.) hopefully in your own home!