hey i have an ariston att 420, with an automatic stop/start funtion. the problem is that everytime i try to play a record, the needle touches the record, then the arm picks itself up and goes back to the rest. very annoying! it will do this 20 times in a row, and only sometimes concedes to play eventually. speed seems to make no difference, neither does putting the needle on manually or using the automatic button. is this a belt issue? can i fix it, or should i get professionals involved?
You should probably have the table looked at by a service tech. Here's one thing to try before you send it off. With the table unplugged, hold the tonearm firmly and give the platter a good, fast spin. Let the arm move if it wants to, but obviously don't let it sit down on the empty platter. If that doesn't free up the mechanism, then it's time for the techs.
Hello, I have an ariston ATT-420. The problem is that the turn table does not turn anymore when i try to play a record. I think the ribbon that turns the turn table has come loose but i can't seem to fix it. Can you help?