I have a Micro Seiki DD-35 and I can't get the strobe to lock on speed for more than a few albums - it will slowly go out of adjustment and requires re-adjustment. This is a DD table and I'm hoping someone can help me understand the cause and possible solution (if any). much appreciated
J. Vigne
Unregistered guest
Posted on
This is probbaly the servo system needing repair. Unless you are a technician the table will have to go in for repair.
J. Vigne
Unregistered guest
Posted on
This is probably the servo system needing repair. Unless you are a technician the table will have to go in for repair.
I hope it's not servo related but you may be right - I'm going to pull the two speed control pots tomorrow and clean them up. That may also be the problem, especially on a table this old. thanks for the reply.