GMA Review at


Unregistered guest
Anyone wishing to read what professional reviewers have to say about Green Mountain Audio speakers and possibly learn more about time/phase alignment in speakers...what it means to the sound you hear,have a look at the following site:

Bronze Member
Username: Cornelius

Post Number: 71
Registered: Jun-04
Saw it - good site, good article.

Although it's a manufacturer's view, these are also good to read.

Unregistered guest
Cornelius, I have read the Meadowlark info before. I agree wholeheartedly. What strikes me as odd in this forum more than say Audiogon or Audio Asylum, is the fact that posters here seem like time/phase aligned speakers are alien and they want no part of them. Amazes me that so many here who claim to seek the musical truth run from it when it presents itself to them for audition. In this forum, Paradigm rules. How sad is that? Thats America for you. Freedom to chose. Unfortunately, many in this forum chose based upon popularity vs. musical enjoyment. Sadder still is the fact that you and I cannot begin to educate the masses here. I had a saying for my customers who thought they knew it all in audio. It went like this: "Those of you who THINK you know everything are very annoying to those who do" I find that still holds true today....especially in this forum. Keep posting. Your one of the bright lites in this forum.

Bronze Member
Username: Cornelius

Post Number: 75
Registered: Jun-04
Yeah, Pat McGinty is great. He really knows how to explain the stuff - he should go on a clinic tour.

I'm also surprised by the sheep mentality here. If you want to have some real fun, try They get so wrapped up in measurements, they forget all about listening. One time I mentioned that if they are so dependent on measurement, why do they always rely on flat frequency response, what about step response? No reply.

It's funny how scared people seem. If someone acts enthusiastically about something that's not the "norm" he's considered a heretic. Two things really annoy me about this. One is the perpetuation of a limted idea. Second is when people keep trying to discredit the ideas that we're talking about. What we're talking about is fact, not opinon. I'm a drummer and I see the same thing with a brand of drums that I play. A lot of drummers out there don't understand part of the manufacturing process, and therefore go around saying that it's marketing BS. It pains me to see people talk this way.

Anyway, keep posting and I'll let you know when I hear a pair of Europas. The first quote in the literature is by Joe Ferla, an engineer I know. If he likes them, I know I will!

Silver Member
Username: Elitefan1

Post Number: 973
Registered: Dec-03
Boy the egos are really flying high on this post. I guess you two know all their is to know about audio reproduction. Maybe you should start your own forum for swell headed ego maniacs. "Paradigm rules, how sad is that". Not sad at all since they make excellent speakers that people can actually hear instead of GMA who has no distubution network to speak of. I don't doubt they are great but if I can't hear a speaker BEFORE I buy it I am not interested. All the tech talk is useless anyway if you can't audition a product. Speakers are subjective. The most time/phase aligned speakers on paper can still sound like crap to some people. Give it a rest for cripssake.

Bronze Member
Username: Cornelius

Post Number: 76
Registered: Jun-04
This has nothing to do with ego, it's about sticking to an idea, or belief. I was unhappy with what I heard in the stores, so I took a chance (at-home demo) on a pair that suited my principles. I've done the same with custom made instruments (no return policy this time!).

BTW, I do not know all there is to know about audio reproduction. This (Time Coerent Speakers) is just an instance where I really heard a great difference from what I heard in the past. People with more knowledge than I can argue subtle differences in cables...

"I had a saying for my customers who thought they knew it all in audio. It went like this: "Those of you who THINK you know everything are very annoying to those who do" I find that still holds true today"

Huh? So are you subtlety saying that you know everything Maui? Here is a quote that more accurately applies to you from Barry Bonds "I do not understand why people don't like me." Well he answered his own question without even getting it. Maui, a great deal of the negative feedback you get, you bring on yourself and has nothing to due with GMA speakers. I think they are excellent speakers. You are so arrogant and condescending to others. You can bet I wasn't surprised to come across a thread while reading through audiogon's forums the other day. Maui posting under another name putting down another person that pretty much describes himself to a tee.

Maui to another poster on 5/29/04 (whom by the way I didn't agree with in the thread):
"...your so vain that you don't realise when your being condescending( or perhaps your ALWAYS condescending). Your comment "owns me"? Hardly. Your comment disgusts me. I was merely trying to point out to someone who has not had the, er, priveledge, of reading your previous "anti-Europa" posts. Profess all the purple prowse you like upon your Caravelles. I'm fine with that. But your negative comments about the Europa's (however subtle you may think they are) don't set well with me. And anyone here who thinks Mr. ------ is NOT being condescending, all one need do is look at how he addresses the rest of us here.."

That's you Maui. Notice the unnecessary CAPITALIZED words for punctuation, and how he is addressing that other guy, and that he is in an argument once again. It's not just this forum. You need to work on people skills dude.

PS I stayed Anonymous because I would find it tiresome to be added to your argue list.

Unregistered guest
Hi Warren. Stop hiding behind the anonymous label.

Bronze Member
Username: Gio

Post Number: 35
Registered: Jun-04
Maui, you wrote :

"In this forum, Paradigm rules. How sad is that? Thats America for you. Freedom to chose. Unfortunately, many in this forum chose based upon popularity vs. musical enjoyment. Sadder still is the fact that you and I cannot begin to educate the masses here."

You may have valid points, but unfortunately such statements are filled with arrogance and contempt. Quite an irritant for others in a forum like this one, where a lot of readers do have some very valuable knowledge to share, and not always a fixation on one or two products or technologies.

Unregistered guest
Gio, I speak the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts. Here are the facts. Each order of slope increase on a loudspeaker system increases phase shift by 90 degrees. Higher the slope, the more phase shift you have. Simple as that. Is it ok to like phase shift? Sure it is. Some love the high "Q" situation they have in thumpy car stereos. They call it bass. I call it by it's real name: Low frequency noise better known as distortion. Is it musically accurate? Not a chance. Sorry if these facts hurt your feelings.

Bronze Member
Username: Elite

Post Number: 76
Registered: May-04
time phase crap
maui sucks!

New member
Username: Jesse_r

Post Number: 7
Registered: Nov-04
Maui, you do suck! You said: I cannot begin to educate the masses?? What a statement...start by educating yourself on: How to not act like a know it all 101!
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