I just bought Energy C-3, warm sepakers as I heard of, and I had Harman Kardon 230 receiver which also said to be warm. I read some people warning that Harman Kardon is not a good choice for Energy speakers. I tried them together, and it just sounds wonderful. I tried with Onkyo 502 (which said to be a bright receiver), but I liked Harman Kardon more. Even though I'm satisfied with Harman Kardon and Energy, being a complete newbie, I might just be satisfied anyways. So, please clarify this for me. Harman Kardon receiver and Energy speakers are really a bad combo? or is it more of a personal preference? Since it's my first audio setup, I have some doubts if my system is the best I can do for my limited budget.
p.s)I have an option to return Harman Kardon receiver within 20 days, so if there's a better receiver to match my Energy speakers, please suggest some receivers under $350.
Thanks Berny! I mean I really enjoy the sound! you know it's my first audio setup. I'm confident with my choice of Energy speakers. But, since only receivers I have listened are Onkyo and Harman Kardon, I keep thinking that there might be a better matching (not more expensive) receiver to make the great sound even greater. Do you think I'm picky?
I agree. I've never considered the Energy speakers warm either. I enjoyed Marantz when I heard that with them, and thats a bit of a darker receiver like the HK. Glad you're happy!
You have a good match. I would stick with it if you like the sound. The grass won't be any greener unless you are going to spend much more on your receiver.
Doubt leads to fear, fear leads to anger and anger is of the dark side...henceforth you will buy more audio equipment....hmmm, is that really a bad thing??? I rant...as Roseanne Rossana Dana says... "never mind!!!"