I am inexperienced to high-end music systems and this is going to be my first good system. Therefore, I request your help.
I am going to order a NAD receiver today (dealer is in another city) and I am wondering between NAD T742 and T743. The dealer is willing to give me a very good deal on T742 and thus I am wondering whether it is a good idea to get the older model vs the T743. My questions to you are:
1. Is there a significant difference between T742 vs T743?
2. I will mostly use it for two channel music and for some movies, so will it make a huge difference?
3. I will couple it with NASD C521BEE CD player and PSB Image 4T speakers.
I am in India and availability of various components can be a problem. Therefore, I will truly appreciate if you can help me take this decision.
Both receivers are wonderful buys, especially the T742 which is almost being given away now days with the newer line out. Because of the computer setup here at the school where I teach, I am unable to access the NAD website, so I can only give you the limited information that I remember off the top of my head. If I remember correctly, the biggest differences between the T742 and T743 are as follows:
1. The T743 offers adjustable sub crossover while the T742 does not 2. The T743 offers On Screen Display while the T742 does not 3. The T743 offers the HTR-2 remote (which is wonderful in my opinion) while the T742 offers a more limited functioning remote.
If I am incorrect with any of the above, someone plese correct me.
As far as power and sound goes, I think that the two units should behave similarly...the main differences are just in the features I listed above. So I guess it is just up to you to decide whether those extra features are important and if so, how much you are willing to pay for them.
By the way, I think you have made a wonderful choice as far as speakers go. The NAD/PSB is truly one of the best combinations out there at this price range in my opinion. I have an NAD T762 paired with some PSB Image speakers and I absolutely love the combination.
If you really want to use it mainly for 2-channel and music, why not buy yourself a decent 2-channel amplifier instead? After all, none of these receivers are as good as a 2-channel amp at similar money.
Thank you again for your suggestions. Actually, you, Hawk and John A. have helped me earlier in choosing the system. In fact, I almost bought the system few months ago from Saturday Audio when I used to live in US. However, since then I have moved back to India and discovered that it is quite expensive to buy those in India (at least 60-75% higher prices) and sometimes difficult to get all of them. Therefore you can imagine that plainly it comes down to money when you have limited resources. That's the reason I am thinking of a cheaper T742 instead of T743. I also looked at those specifications in NAD website and found that T743 have better heat management, speaker switching abilities, a way way better described manual, many more input/outputs, component video output (my TV lacks S-video but has component input) etc. Therefore, I have to do some bargaining with my dealer to find out whether he gives me a really good deal for T742, or else....
Frank: I want to make it a HT later (with the DVD player) as I have two Bose 201 speakers and will later buy a center channel when I have money. I completely agree that buying a NAD c320BEE would have been better for music, but...
Thanks for all your help. I will definitely let you guys know how I like it when I buy the components.