Both recievers are similarily priced but I hve not been able to hear either locally. I am looking also at either of two sets of speakers, the Energy Encore, which sounded great though the rear surrounds sounded a little weak, but they may not have been set up properly, and the Definitive Technology ProCinema 100 with the center channel upgraded to a Def Tech C2. I have only listened to the C2 of this set, but I found a great price for these components.
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i would say try both of them and see if you like it. I actually like the Yamaha RX-V line better than the HTR line. But since you said that you have some DefTech for fronts, I would go with the Pioneer Elite 52x. It has a better power supply and better built chassis than the yamaha 5790. If you want to have a fair comparison, try the yamaha RX-v1500 and the Pioneer Elite 52x. You can also ask Elitefan with the receivers you are looking for.
Actually I haven't seen either model in a local store and as the Yamaha HTR series is supposedly online only, I'm not sure if I can find it. I was just looking at the specs with both being THX certified and having the same power, with everything else being roughly equal. Does the THX cert. really "add" that much?
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well the thing with THX, you have to get all the equipment that has been THX Certified. that means the receiver, the dvd player, the speakers, the room has to be acousticaly treated, the works. and that my friend can put a big dent in your wallet. but in come cases the thx does come in handy. For example, their are som movies that are very bright sounding. the THX processing in some cases does help to tone down the sound. In all it just varies on what type of movie or media you are playing. And where do you live? the reason why i am asking is because if you live in the states, you can go to best buy or cc and see what they offer. or simply go to or
Thank you very much, you may have just saved me a couple of hundred $$$. I never knew that to get the THX benefit you had to upgrade all your equipment!!! I was looking at the upconversion for the video portion only, which will convert digital and s-video to component video. If my system is 100% video, is there something else you might recommend which can do the same thing? It seem a waste now to go THX if I won't be able to use it. I live in MD, however, with the exception of BB, CC, and a local stereo shop Myer-Emco, I at the mercy of whats on display at the time I go in the store. I find that BB and CC don't really carry the top end equipment, BB was pushing Athena, JBL, and Klipsch, while CC pushed Bose and Polk.
You do not have to upgrade all your equipment if you have a thx receiver. That is just not factual. The audio press has had countless articles on this myth in print over the last several years trying to debunk this issue. The Yamaha HTR series is not mail order only, it's the line sold in the discounters like Best Buy and you should stay away from them and go with the RXV line. The HTR line is so ugly anyway. They are not match for the Elite's but it depends on what speakers you use as to what receiver to buy.
I agree with therealelitefan on this point. You don't have to go all THX to get the benefit. THX certifies build quality as well as sound, therefore by getting the certification you know you have met the THX specs. There are many receivers that would meet these standards but the manufacturer has chosen not to get them certified because of the cost of doing so. THX is worth it my opinion, the benefit will come in to play on movies that show the THX label.
I have the HTR5790 in a bonus room (12x18) paired with MA Radius' in 7.1 and it performs great. So, in the $500-700 range, I would recommend the 5790. I would agree the RXV appears on paper to be better. However, if you are willing to up the budget, then research Marantz and Denon. Hope that helps.
The RX-v2400 is the only Yamaha I would buy. Very nice features and great remote. If you are using for movies more than music it is a good choice. If you are more interested in music, try Marantz, Pioneer or Harman Kardon for a good bang for the buck.
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I believe BB carries the Yamaha HTR5790 and will be soon carrying the Pioneer VSX-1014TX-K. The 1014TX carries the same A.D.E. Mosfet Amp as the 52TX and is essentially the same unit, less a few bells and whistles.
Thanks for all the help. I am going to go with the Pioneer VSX-52tx, I have also made a decision to go with the DefTech ProCinema 100, and will hopefully have all components in hand by this weekend. I'll let everyone know how this turn out.
As I have said before after talking to Pioneer myself the 1014 is not the same as the Elite 52. These models use totally different power supplies, dsps, dacs and internal connectors. They are not the same.
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Elitefan, I also called Pioneer about the differences between the 1014TX and 52TX, and after being transferred to several different product specialists, the one I did talk to told me that besides a few features, the units are very similar. The only thing the representative told me was that the 52TX had a tranformer stabilizer whereas she could not confirm whether the 1014TX had one. I didn't dig into as much details about the other components as you did, so maybe you talked to someone more knowledgeable. The only way one will ever find out is to open the two units up and compare.
I pulled the trigger and went ahead and got the 52TX. I first wanted the 1014TX, but could not find one locally. I walked into my local Goodguys tonight and they were selling the 52TX for $599 and today was the last day of that current sale. They had one left in stock, so I jumped on it. Couldn't resist at that price and got a 12 month same as cash deal. I need to get my surrounds and a center speaker before I attempt to set it up. Will be ordering those tomorrow and should be here in a week or so. I can't wait to get everything hooked up.