Massive Audio amps not so "massive" anymore


Gold Member
Username: Joebruce

TC Sounds/DLS

Post Number: 3253
Registered: May-04
This may be old news but I was just browsing around and seen the new line of Massive Audio amps and the are freakin tiny! I remember when Berny had those 2 huge Massive Audio amps that took up just about all the room in his truck now look at em 59733

Thats the new "4000w" model its rated at
4 ohms: 650 watts x 1 chan.
2 ohms: 1000 watts x 1 chan.
1 ohm: 2000 watts x 1 chan

lol wtf? I wonder if they do close to rated? I remember they used to be pretty good budget amps but I wonder how they are now. lol I think they're cute!!

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

MW2 Addict

Post Number: 3375
Registered: Jan-06
wow, they did size those down quite a bit. i'm a fan of the black brushed aluminum look. mmats still remains king of small footprint amps though.

Gold Member
Username: Bernymac

Phnom Penh Cambodia

Post Number: 4887
Registered: Sep-04
Well the amp I had if I remember correctly was a 2600rms amp. None of those are 2600rms. And the p3000.1 had 2 p1500's inside, strapped. Thats kind of why it was so big. But yeah, when you open them up, there does seem to be a lot of unusable space. Down sizing looks good. But small footprint like eric says goes to MMATS. Pretty damn energy efficient from what I heard too!

New member
Username: Massivecaraudio

Post Number: 1
Registered: Feb-11
They indeed to rated power, Very powerful and clean sounding amplifiers that are all CEA 2006 Certified.

The D-Block amplifiers are also very small and there is now a D8000 and D16000 -

New 2011 Catalog =

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

MW2 Addict

Post Number: 3377
Registered: Jan-06
are they.. from Detroit?!

haha. i must say the new products look sharp, and the packaging adds a nice touch. i want to see a Rhino in action!

Platinum Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Philadelphia, PA

Post Number: 11712
Registered: Jul-06
They were never good amps, budget or anything else. Kevin from low-hz sold them at first and the dropped them after there were so many failures. They were also overrated. If the are CEA rated now well thats great, but as far as build quality, I'm not going to be the first to test them.

New member
Username: Massivecaraudio

Post Number: 2
Registered: Feb-11
Wow, you should definitely check them out and test them so you can see why they are so hot right now. Never know until you actually try! They are a huge step up from the Pro Series that would allow you to run under minimum impedance and voltage.

They actually received the highest rating I have ever seen for an amplifier from Talk Audio in England. They love them in Europe because of the power and small size.

Check it out- io-nanoblock-n2-r708

Thanks for the feedback!

Gold Member
Username: Gcs8

Atlanta, Ga

Post Number: 1925
Registered: Sep-09
send one to arc to test and get back to us lol.

Silver Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 399
Registered: Oct-10
The wee little amp man!

I am impressed with these products and would love to be a test mule for the rhino on one of those "16000" watters.

Silver Member
Username: Lord_huggington

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 234
Registered: Oct-10
We don't care about what happends in the UK nor the rest of europe. That's a different world. As soon as we hear bad things about a product than everyone will turn away from it, and no matter how much good you talk about *your own brand* you'll never get people from here to buy your stuff because of a little bad-mouthing. Explain why those amps from low-hz failed or your credibility just goes down the drain.

New member
Username: Massivecaraudio

Post Number: 3
Registered: Feb-11
I honestly do not see the relevance in what part of the world you are from but if you would like reviews and testimonials from N. American customers on the Nano Block amplifiers (which this thread was about) I would be happy to provide that as well.

I have no idea why "Low-Hz" (I am not familiar with that account) amplifiers failed. Some people can blow an amplifier in a matter of minutes and some can use it forever. Since all of the products are made the same it boils down to the customer and how they use the product. I am truly sorry if you have been hurt or put off by our company in the past although we are very fair and reasonable as many people will attest to.

If you simply want to troll or start a which hunt then there is no point in arguing as it just makes us both look foolish.

The point in fact is that the Nano Block amplifiers are doing extremely well all around the world for a number of reasons. This thread was started by someone else to talk about them. So as a factory rep I am providing information and testimonials about them.

I'm sure your goal is to create doubt for people actually interested in looking at our tech and products so you win! Congratulations for getting off topic on this thread with your own hang-ups.

Silver Member
Username: Tedsprogz

Nunya, Florida US

Post Number: 128
Registered: Aug-05
I have a p1500.1 and it does rated power and can handle .5 ohms burps if your voltage holds up. im satisfied. and that massive DMX & QC that was out is a beast.

Silver Member
Username: Lord_huggington

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 236
Registered: Oct-10
I was mostly putting you on the spot for purpose of customer satisfaction. It doesn't matter if an amp dies, but it does matter if the replacement is handled well. You provided a very professional answer. If a batch of amps fail and are taken out of a dealers' choices than that's pretty bad, and most would be expecting to know why, and what was changed [if needed]. If in Europe this batch failed - and yes, it's down to the customer to break the things - than we wouldn't want those people writing bad reviews because of their own faults, and that's why we shouldn't care about Euro's [or whoever].

You win =).

Platinum Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Philadelphia, PA

Post Number: 11721
Registered: Jul-06
No, I wouldn't say he wins unless he explains exactly the difference between the old P series amps and these new ones, and why the won't have the failure rate the old ones had. When that many amps break its had to say its customer fault. CEA ratings are enough to satisfy me on the rated power bit.

New member
Username: Massivecaraudio

Post Number: 4
Registered: Feb-11
Thanks and of course I should be put on the spot but I just want it to be a fair discussion. As you know it is very hard to cover every situation perfectly especially if the unit is not fully covered under warranty for a certain reason. Although I can tell you that even if a customer does something wrong or runs the unit past its designed thresholds, and it is not a problem with the unit itself, we do our very best to offer a low cost solution (or trade in) to get the customer going without having them completely loose out on their purchase.

We did cover a lot of these units that were abused anyway but there is a limit to what we can do for free. So I know some people would be left out but like I said we do always offer some kind of compensation even if it was not fully covered.

To answer the question on the P Series amplifiers. Those units were designed for professional competitors in mind and we made the protection much more lenient than the Nano or newer amps because people wanted an amplifier to run below impedance or voltage for a short time for competition reasons. A lot of people praised the Pro Series for this but it also ended up working against us in some situations due to people not knowing much about voltage or impedance and since the protection would not kick in exactly when it needed to it caused more failures in the normal consumer market. When Massive Audio became more mainstream we changed the design to be as reliable as possible. Now not every competitor likes this but we have a return rate of less than 1% on all newer amps instead of 5% that the Pros had. So that is a big difference overall.

So honestly it is not that the failure rate went down as we never had a design flaw but it is more that the protection will not let you do a lot of the things that the Pro amps would allow. If you try and go under impedance on a Nano it will shut off. Same with voltage under 12 volts. That was the main reason for amp failures.

I hope this helps and please let me know any questions or comments as we truly only want to make products that we are very proud of and that will last as long as possible.

Platinum Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Philadelphia, PA

Post Number: 11726
Registered: Jul-06
Cool, thats the kind of info I was looking for. So what kind of prices can we get on these? The ones on sonic there while not outrageous are not impressive either.

New member
Username: Massivecaraudio

Post Number: 5
Registered: Feb-11
Thanks, also I apologize if I was a little defensive before. I just take a lot of pride in our company of course. The only way to receive the amp any cheaper would be to use the Massive Audio website and you can get 20% off the price and free shipping for a limited time. I am not sure if that beats Sonic or not however. I know dealers like to bargain sometimes but you would have to see who is in your area via dealer locator.

Platinum Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Philadelphia, PA

Post Number: 11727
Registered: Jul-06
I would hope so, or that 2000w amp at $600 is going to have a hard time competing with something like an Audioque 2200 at $389

Silver Member
Username: Lord_huggington

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 248
Registered: Oct-10
We'd rather see you be defensive than not care.

A 1% return rate is damn good, that'll solidify any concearns of quality. We wouldn't believe 0%, so 1% is the best you could be dealing with.

The new protective circuit was a good idea, but you could keep competitors happy by having a hidden switch (like a small hole that's big enough for a tooth-pick, and pushes a clicky button) that by-passes the circuit all together. Don't market the bypass, and only let select competitors (who won't tell everyone) know... ? That way you could charge more for the amp, and at the same time not have to pay out (and state that) for competition use.

New member
Username: Massivecaraudio

Post Number: 6
Registered: Feb-11
Thank you for that.. We are very happy with the advanced protection in the Nano and D-Blocks and they greatly help overall perception of the line.

By the way your comment about the protection circuit being a closeable feature is actually on our big D16000 amplifier. There is a button you can push that will take it from 15 volts to 17 volts. We call it a clip limit switch but it does exactly what you stated. I will bring up the idea of a hidden switch on some of the lesser power models and see what develops in the future!

The cool thing about Massive is that the owner is also the main engineer and designer so we take all ideas seriously and most of the time get what we and the customers want accomplished!

Silver Member
Username: Lord_huggington

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 250
Registered: Oct-10
If you impliment the idea, can I have an amp? lol

New member
Username: Massivecaraudio

Post Number: 7
Registered: Feb-11
Not a bad question If it pans out I will PM you for sure!

Platinum Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Philadelphia, PA

Post Number: 11728
Registered: Jul-06
Gotta admit, that would be a cool azz feature.

Gold Member
Username: Zacdavis

Beloit, Wi

Post Number: 1783
Registered: Dec-03
I just installed an RS 150 in a customers car last week. It was old stock that we had from years ago when with Massive.
I don't sell it anymore, quality may be a small part in the reasoning behind that decision, but dealer support is a bigger reason for me.
When manufacturers sell their product on their own websites, and other internet stores, it automatically turns me away from wanting to sell their product line.
Take MMats for instance, you must use the dealer locater to purchase product, and they do a superb job of keeping internet sales to a minimum.
Same with Digital Designs, well?....up until recently, DD has had very strict territories, I heard through the grapevine that will be changing soon....and if what I heard is true, I will drop their line from the store.....uh oh, off topic....
The new massive line......havent had any experience with it, I've always appreciated Massive's earlier products...maybe its time to check them out again

Gold Member
Username: Loc_out


Post Number: 3286
Registered: Feb-05
Test them out Zac and lets us know how they work.

New member
Username: Massivecaraudio

Post Number: 8
Registered: Feb-11
Hi Zac,

We would be honored if you did and if you get a chance to try them out please let everyone know your thoughts!

Gold Member
Username: 04redmach1

Post Number: 2738
Registered: Mar-06
I had a batch of amplifiers a few years ago that popped left and right. Sadly Berny was included in that batch, but I stopped dealing with Massive after that point. It is nice to back your warranty,but when I have to use it for every amp I sell, it puts me in a corner as well as the customers having to put out more money for shipping to be repaired and time loss without paid product.

However, I have not had any dealings with the new product at all. I have something coming out myself

Gold Member
Username: 04redmach1

Post Number: 2739
Registered: Mar-06
Double post.
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