Need some help


New member
Username: Wardle

Brantford, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jun-04
i have 2 12inch subs /sony xplod 1200w peak each
i know they arnt the greatest but i am now looking for a amp.
i want a amp that will get these subs to there highest
i really dont know much about these things so your help is apprecited

Bronze Member
Username: Demigod33

Post Number: 25
Registered: Jun-04
jl 600.1 or jl 1000s

any asap up grade your system and go to ebay for some good deals

4g or 0g wiring

New member
Username: Wardle

Brantford, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jun-04
what is the full name of them cause when i searh that i cant seem to find anyhting
i dont know much about these things so try it explain it easily lol thanks

New member
Username: Wardle

Brantford, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 4
Registered: Jun-04

Unregistered guest
get an mtx 801d. they are fairly inexspensive and will push those subs well

Unregistered guest
i have 2 kicker l7 12" subs i was just wondering what amp you guys would use to push these subs any suggestion? please and thank you

New member
Username: Wardle

Brantford, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 5
Registered: Jun-04
what do u mean well
i want it pumpin out some huge a$$ bass
i dont care about the price i just want there babies pumpin hard!!!!

Unregistered guest
I have bought 3 Vibe subs each 600 watts rms and could anyone help me in finding an amp or amps that would be good and capable of running this system?

New member
Username: Wardle

Brantford, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 7
Registered: Jun-04

Silver Member
Username: Sploosh56

Post Number: 146
Registered: May-04
Dave, sorry to tell you but Sony subwoofers won't push bass. Sell those to someone and look on ebay for some sub deals. Try 2 12" Kicker Comps and a JL 250/1 amp to push them. Now that would be a nice little setup that would pound pretty good.

New member
Username: Wardle

Brantford, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 10
Registered: Jun-04
how much do u thinki can sell them for
with them in a box
i paid 200 for it all brand new

Silver Member
Username: Jonathan_f


Post Number: 429
Registered: May-04
Not what you paid for it. Demigod up there had a typo, but recommended a good amp. A JBL 600.1 (he typed JL 600.1, that's why you couldn't find it) would push them as far as they need to go, and is a cheap amp. Sony subs aren't going to be very good, I'd get rid of them as they don't last very long anyway. Better to have a little less money in your pocket than two blown subs and a good amp that's not being used. Two Kicker Comp VR's would be nice, Adire Audio Shivas are also great subs, neither is too expensive, and miles ahead of the sony's.
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