Dual 2-Ohm independent wiring will it run at a 2ohm load
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Hey i got a Kicker S12L7 with dual 2 ohm voice coils. Now i know it runs at 4ohm load in series and 1ohm load in paralell. But i want to run it in indepenent using 2 Alpine D class monoblocks which run at 350RMS each at 2 ohm (200 RMS at 4 ohm). Now when i wire it in independendent will it run at 2ohm resulting at in 700 rms in my sub or will it rn at another resistance.
Yeah, it'll be 350W per voice coil, 700 RMS total. I don't recommend using separate amps on one DVC sub, though, as each one isn't EXACTLY the same. You may have issues that way if one's power is more than the other's. JBL 600.1 is good at a 1 ohm load, and puts out close to 700 RMS since it's underrated.