my two subs are dual 4 ohms. and i have a 1000 Watt RMS x 1 @ 1 ohm amp... and each of my subs are 500 watts RMS so i am trying to get a one ohm load to give these subs 500 watts RMS each. but im just not sure how to wire them, i been on sound domain for the wiring but i dont really get how i would hook it up in the box so i made a little picture of how i think its supposed to be. can someone tell me if this would give me a 1 ohm load or if i did something wrong can u tell me what it is.
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you need the positive wire to run from the amp to vc1 on sub 1 looping off that to vc2 on sub 1 looping off that to vc1 on sub 2 looping off that to vc2 on sub 2, now mirror this with the negitive wire on the negitive terminals
No, That shows a 1 ohm load. Basically, each sub the positives are parallel and negatives are parallel, the positive of vc1 and neg of vc2 of each sub is connected to the amp.
Oh yeah, as far as putting them in a box, where you see the wires meet, (that top positive and bottom negative wire coming off the sub) those are the wires that will connect to your boxes terminal cup. Then, the wires of each terminal cup will be run to the amp.
Theres two ways to connect them. And if the subs are DUAL 4-Ohms you can connect them at 1-Ohm or 4-Ohms. If you have a small amp or weak, I recommend the 1-Ohm connection. BUT THE AMP has to be 1-Ohm stable, otherwise you have to use the 4-ohm connection. Its pretty simple.