I just recently purchased an Adire Audio 15in Brahma. I payed $350 so it was a good deal. I came brand new perfect condition and well packed. I hooked it up free air to see how well it would work it does great but I know there has been talk about the first version of the brahma having a lead slap problem I noticed what sees to be a tapping on the cone at about an inch of movement and I can't locate the cause. It isn't particually loud but gets worse at exusion increases. I was wondering if anyone with experience can tell me the way to tell the diffence between a mark on or mark II Brahma. I noticed it differed from the picture on the adire audio web sight because the bottom of the magnet asembly is smooth while the pic of the 12 in braham on the site has a bumped back plate. There is felt on the cone above the leads to dampen lead slap but if it is working then I have another noise problem. I expected the brahma to sound perfectly clean when testing below 30 mm of travel but at the moment it isn't. Any help on identifying the difference between the two models would be apriciated. Thanks.