OK i have 2 12" 4 ohm subs. SVC dont Dual. Would i want a mono or 2 channel amp. And would i wire them in parallel to get a 2ohm load. Which amp would i use to get that 2 ohm load? THanks
Also please use a little extra detail im still figuring it all out.
yes, mono amp, wire subs in parallel.. both right to the amp for a 2 ohm load. you want an amp with an RMS power rating at 2 ohms equal to the RMS rating of the two subs combined.
ok well the problem with the adding the RMS's is they are sony. yes i know sony blows, but i heard these 12"s can pound and i got both for $60. Anyway would i want around 500 RMS for these if they are both listed at 350 RMS . I figured if i fed them both 350 i would prolly kill them. Specially with a true amp like RF .
what about a Rockford Fosgate 900 W amp. I can get those cheap... know a ABC warehouse manager and they dont sell the JBL's. Also im kinda limited in the Money Department ;)