i got a big problem. im building a box for a buddy of mine and the subs he got are thee kicker comps c10, i builtthe box as big as i could and it still fit in his nissan truck but it still bottms out in the box any suggestions on how to solve this problem? some type of spacer or something maybe?
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invert the speakers? same airspace needed.... looks cooler....
ya turn the speakers around there is less air space needed though because you disincluid the air that the driver takes up so you can toss some poly fill in there if you think you need it you get about the same sound quality and normaly the same amount of bump too and it only looks cool with some type of subs but thats for you to dicide
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how do you know when a speaker's bottoming out? i've heard peeps say that a lot but i don't understand
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well if you mean bottom out in the box well thats something you just cant miss if you do miss it well than you are a retard and i dont want to talk to you ever again but now if you are talking about the speaker botoming out because it is being puched to hard well most speakers wont do this any more only ones that are junk but you well hear a loud clicking noise coming from the speaker when the bass hits
he stated that he made the box himself and that its goin in a truck. so he probably cant invert the subs because of lack of room. best bet is to start from scratch again. placing ring like spacers on the outside mounting place could work, but not very effective.
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If he's bottoming out, that means the box is probably too big. a smaller box means tighter cone control. The bigger the box means the cone isn't as controlled and will reach maximum excursion (bottoming out) too quickly with the given power. Polyfill won't help. Inverting the subs will worsen the situation as the driver displacement is taken out of equation. Cut the box size down a bit and see if it helps.
Why dont we justy frick*n ask him what he means by 'bottoming out'. It sound to me like he needs to make the box smaller, he doesnt have to build a new one just polyfill or use another piece of wood to cut the internal air space in half. Lets get him to explain more 1st, so how bout it Bud?
some of yall put way to much thought into what i was saying, but thanks for your suggestions. stick you got it right the magnet what hitting the bottom of the box. i made the box as big as i could. so what i did is when i carpeted the box i just put like 3 layers on the front hopefully that will give me enough room.
you could damage the sub this way when its in use. after the subs reaches its excursion, and comes back it goes inward also so it goes into the box further when its in use than it does when its not being used, to put it very simple.
stick is right that isnt good on the driver i would make a spacer so you had the right idea but it needs to be sealed if you have had woods class than you know how to poperly use wood glue. place glue on both sides being glued together rub them together a bunch and then screw them together and use real wood glue not just like elmers white and then when you carpet use spray adhisiv to hold the carpet down and use like a flat head screw driver to pack the carpet into the edge that the spacer made it well look cool when your done
ok guys the first person was asking about what should he do because the magnet was hitting the back of the box and then some one els came along and asked about when the speaker its self bottoms out how do you know got now