Alright well, I just got my first car (I'm 16) and music truely is my life, playing guitar/bass and drums. So I'd like to get the best sounding/loudest sound system I can for my little budget, but I'm new to automotive audio, and need some help.
I've heard that Sony sucks for car audio, but I don't exactly have the money to replace them.
The car came with these speakers: 2x6.5" Sony Xplode 220w peak/50w rated 2x6"x9" Sony Xplode 240w peak/50w rated
I need an amp to power those 4 speakers, a sub/enclosure and an amp for that, I think. And maybe a head unit I can get after I get a job.
Anyway, I have $400 and I don't have a job so I can't save up more, but I'm hoping I can find whatever is recommended on Ebay to get it cheaper(maybe?)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Unregistered guest
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the sonys will be fine for the component speakers. Get a decent Head unit and dont get an amp for those components. Then go with maybe a decent (better than sony) subwoofer or two, and an amp to run those. You left it very broad, so i dont have many details!
When I do get a head unit, it has to be able to play MP3's I hate switching CDs. heh
Robert J
Unregistered guest
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okay there is a rockford 150rms amp on ebay for $100 even encluding shipping, plus a amp intstall kit. now for a sub if you want sq then go with a alpine type E, they are 200rms for the 10inch, and you will need a 4ohm dvc sub or a 2ohm svc sub to match to that amp. you can get those subs for 90 bucks off of and i will email the amp site on ebay because i have it in my account. so just give me your email address if you want it.
Listen to Robert J he has the right idea. Those sony component speakers in you car is fine. I think sony makes good component speakers but dont buy there subs. Get a head unit like Robert says and you should be fine with one sub but 2 is always good. If you can get that Rockford AMP do it, Rockford makes some of the best QUALITY AMPS around. I am also in high school and i am working on 4 12's in my SUV. It just takes time. Happy listening!
hey people hows it going i also am 16 and just got my first car a 93 subaru imprza sport i am really big into rap and have already put in a good panasonic head unit, right now im looking for a good cheap amp and probably one 12 for a sub. recently i went to a car shop and there are trying to sell me a crossfire cf312 for the sub a slot ported box and a crossfire vr202 amp for 330 good or bad thanks
I too was 16 and was really into car audio. and like most teens, i was broke. my recommendation is to just run the front speakers off the hu, get a 2 channel amp instead of a mono because usually, monos are more expensive. and then make your own box for 1 12 in sub. get a sub that has a high sensitivity rating and then put it in a ported box. you want everything to be as efficient as possible.
alright well, the car was still in the previous owners driveway last night, and someone broke into it and stole the head unit, so the guy replaced the window and is giving me $150 to buy the new head unit, now my budget is around $550-$600, any recommendations on what to get? i read earlier that adire shivas would be a good way to go, but what amp would i need to power 1 shiva, and what amp for 2 shivas?
Robert J
Unregistered guest
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if you plan on getting into caraudio really big which is what i was planing when i still had my temps, then get a really good deck, it is easy to upgrade amps and speekers. if you get a good deck that you really like you'll hold onto it for a much longer time than you will a sub or amp. I have a alpine 7897, it was a $600 deck, but i'm now 17 and have gone through two amps and now have a 3rd. i did not have a sub in my car for about 8 months but when i did they were good (kicker VRS) and i had a kicker 600.1 . it was worth the wait cuz my friends still have there sonys because they decided they didn't want to wait. now i still have not up graded from factory comps speckers but now that i have a brahma and 2 alpine amps one for comps up front and one for the sub i will now save for some i will be 18 before i get every thing i want for my system but i know it will be worth the wait.
172+ db
Unregistered guest
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first stereo. find bandpass box an 2 10's dont matter what kind. cheap amp to push em bandpass makes noise in anything.
Unregistered guest
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172+ doesn't know what he is talking about on any of these threads. Ignore him
Unregistered guest
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Got a 04 Silverado standard with boss speakers. Got about $350-$400 work with. Recommendations for amp and sub.
stock Bose systems are a totally different animal man....
you'll prolly wanna get a new HU....
is your truck an ext. cab or regular...or what?
Unregistered guest
Posted on
im 17, got my first car, a 86 iroc z28, it came with 4 10" rockford fosgate punch subs, 2 amps, one is a 200 watt rfp and the other is alpine, it has 2 boston 6x9 3-ways, and 2 2x6 speakers for the front, and the deck is alpine, the biggest problem with this system is that its like 10 years im lookin to replace it all....what is the best stuff to get? money isnt a problem i got a job, so i need 2 2x6 speakers, 2 6x9 3-way speakers, 4 10" subs, a deck, and amp(s)....plz help me out
oh brother. a 16 year old with a Camaro. No wonder car insurance is so high.. lol
Anyway first off, there's nothing wrong with older car audio components. Some of the older stuff is still at least as good as the new stuff out there.
If you really insist on changing everything out though, first off, the fronts are 4x6" or 5.25" There is no such thing as 2x6"
Eclipse CD/MP3 head unit
Infinity kappa perfect 6.1 or JL Audio XR 6.5" separates up front, mounted in the doors. forget that dash location.. it's garbage.
8" Adire Koda midbass drivers in the rear side panels. dump the 6x9" and use a bandpass filter for the 8", using them to extend the midbass response of the front stage components.
in back, I'd dump the 4 tens and go with two 12" JL Audio 12W6v2 subs in a sealed enclosure, using a baffle across the drop section in back.
for amplification, go with a JL 300/4 bridged to two channels for the front stage and midbass drivers. Go with a JL 1000/1 to handle the two W6v2 subs. Then look at upgrading the factory alternator and running new 2ga cable for the amps. You can also put deep cycle batteries across the bottom of the drop section for the system using a battery isolator so the audio system has its own yellow tops, and those will take up some volume of that area, reducing the air space for the subs. you'll want about 1.2cu ft. per 12"
I've set up a load of those cars, and that's one of the best setups to go with short of dropping about $6000+
oh and if you really want to shape the sound for that car, consider a bank of Audiocontrol EQT equalizers to tweak things.. or at least an EQL which is only a two channel 10 band, 1 octave version.