Zx1500.1 vs sx1250.1


Gold Member
Username: Pelona

Perres, California

Post Number: 1962
Registered: Dec-05
i heard the zx puts out exactly wut it says which means its exactly 1500watts n the sx puts out 1250watts but is underrated so it puts out more, so which one sounds better and has more watts? also why does the sx cost so much more than the zx? the sx costs $650 n the zx costs $470...is it because the sx has more features or more sound quality or wut

Gold Member
Username: Adddisorder

West palm, Florida

Post Number: 3617
Registered: Jan-06
i remember seeing that zx bench at 1950 somewhere. the sx cost so much becasue its digital

Gold Member
Username: Johnfiac

IL Afghanistan,...

Post Number: 1711
Registered: Mar-06
sx is the higher line of SQ amps i think

Gold Member
Username: Juliob

Santo DomingoDominican Re...

Post Number: 4245
Registered: Dec-05
SX is their best amp.

Gold Member
Username: Pelona

Perres, California

Post Number: 1964
Registered: Dec-05
so the ZX puts out more power than the SX but the SX is more expensive because its digital?

Gold Member
Username: Adddisorder

West palm, Florida

Post Number: 3715
Registered: Jan-06

Gold Member
Username: Pelona

Perres, California

Post Number: 1973
Registered: Dec-05
alrite thats all i needed to know dope lol
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