

Silver Member
Username: Johnfiac


Post Number: 863
Registered: Mar-06
Ok this is a lil messed up... i had a old 25 farad power acoustic cap. and i was bored so i took it apart i found inside 2 big caps with bolts and stuff like normal caps but only a bit bigger then a coke can.. i took some 220V 8g. ac wire since its thicker and made it about 3 inchs long and connected it the the cap and jammed the other sides of the wires into my earthquake amp and it is deffinetly doing somthing.. i got a massive headache when the bass started hitting and my subs were making the famous popcorn noise at the lows(power acoustic)at lower volumes then they do it at (normally i would use vol 36 and 38 would pop) when i measured it last i was gettin like 2800rms where i had it set so it didnt pop the subs much i didnt meter it this time cuz i seen alot of cops around today..and there dicccckks (suburb cops) but anyways besides the cap... anyone get headaches or sick from there system time to time? i kno when im hungover i hate it lol..until the phat asz B comes around

Silver Member
Username: Scott_debaker

Pittsburgh, P.A. U.S.A.

Post Number: 734
Registered: Feb-06
called overexcursion when it makes that noise an they soon will bloww dats not good
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