yeah i wanted to, but i left my camera at work and it was getting dark and i only wanted to get it back togather. took me like 6 hours by myself. when i tap on the top of my cab it sounds about like tapping on the windshield. its so much better without the top of my cab rattling
I have peel-n seal since last year people say its asphalt based it will smell.... but it never smelled in my car a litle in the trunk but it didnt go into the cabin i love it never peeled off or anything and it was only 13 bucks a roll.
i was getting in the car after work an it was pretty warm in the cab cause of the sun. i could smell it just a bit. i wonder if the smell will ever go away?
i dont know id like to hear though sometime if it ever does. because iv been looking at sound deadners and that edead is cheap but asphalt based and i dont want it to smell all of the time so i might have to pay the extra and go to damn butyle or whatever its called
it was supposed to say soo nice but somehow when i was typing it got tabbed into subject and then the part "nd put two layers" got added. it was supposed to be in body not header. oopps.