Whats better?


Bronze Member
Username: Atlfl3

Post Number: 18
Registered: Aug-06
Having 2 12" JL w6v2, 1 12" MTX 9500, or 1 13.5" JL w7? I havn't chosen an amp yet, but these are the subs ive narrowed it down to.

Gold Member
Username: Extrmndor3

Chicago, Ill Us

Post Number: 1573
Registered: Feb-06
if your going for sq w6 for sql 13w7 if your going for spl mtx

Bronze Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

Chicago, Illinois U.S.A

Post Number: 44
Registered: Jul-06
Yea it depends on what you want Michael... you should have specified but lilrob summed it all up.

Bronze Member
Username: Atlfl3

Post Number: 22
Registered: Aug-06
So yall think the 12" mtx will hit harder than 2 13.5" jl w6's?

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86

Google is your Friend, FL

Post Number: 4279
Registered: Aug-05

Bronze Member
Username: Atlfl3

Post Number: 23
Registered: Aug-06
Does anyone have any idea how many DB's 2 13.5" JL w6v2's with a JL 1000.1 amp hooked up to it?

Gold Member
Username: Ctmike


Post Number: 1289
Registered: Feb-06
thats an impossible question to answer. it depends on alot of things.

Bronze Member
Username: Atlfl3

Post Number: 24
Registered: Aug-06
ok wat things do u need to know?

Gold Member
Username: Ctmike


Post Number: 1290
Registered: Feb-06
the car, box, install, charging system, wiring, cars' res. freq., and i don't know how many other things. i could have a system doing 145db in my cay, put the exact same system in your car, and it could hit lower or higher numbers. the best thing to do is get your system in and have it metered, that's the only way of knowing. people can guess, but again it's only a guess and that's why i wont do it. i hope your not trying to pick out a system by this cause if so your going the wrong route.
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