Alternative use for a car amp... maybe?


New member
Username: 4nu815

Jackson, TN USA

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jul-06
Okay, this may sound like a really really dumb idea to you all, but that is why I am asking before doing.

I am a bass player and recently moved and had to sell my amp. But I do have most of what used to be my car stereo. I don't really have interest in putting the stuff back in my car so I am trying to figure out if I can rig an amp to my two MTX 9000 12" subs and use the contraption as a bass amp. I have two amps, the one I was going to try to use is a Kenwood KAC 7285 600W amp.

Can this be done? Am I going to blow up my house when the thing short circuits and goes supernova on me? Also any idea, if this works, how I could control the volume?

Gold Member
Username: Illuminator


Post Number: 3540
Registered: Apr-05
Sure it can be done, the only problem is you're going to need an extremely powerful power supply to power the amp with...we're talking 60A+ of needed power for your amp. Those can run up to $100 alone.

Volume control can be utilized with an inline dual-ganged potentiometer.

New member
Username: 4nu815

Jackson, TN USA

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jul-06
Okay. Where can I get the inline dual-ganged potentiometer, and do you know how much it would cost? Thank you for the info.

The amp only has 2 20A fuses so I was guessing it only needed 40A of power. I have a 12volt power supply that will go up to 50A. You don't think that that would do the trick?

Gold Member
Username: Illuminator


Post Number: 3543
Registered: Apr-05

Pots are cheap wherever you go...

And the 50A power supply should work fine. I didn't realize the 600w was max power.
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