I'm getting 2 10" kicker subs that have a peak power of 600 watts, and a range of 5-300 rms and i need an amp to power them, but i don't know exactly what to look for in an amp that would power them to their full potential. Am i looking for the rms wattage? and if so should it be around 300?, or am i completely wrong? I need help!
what ohms are the 2 subs rated... 2 or 4? I believe thats what he was asking, because you will need to know that in order to find a suitable amplifier.
Ok the subs you are looking at are kicker compvr (cvr) they are 300 rms each so you will need a amp that will do 600 rms. I would get the dual voice coil 4 ohms. it will save you money on an amp because if you get the 2 ohm subs you will have to find an amp that puts out 600 rms @ 2 ohms which is generally more expensive than an amp that will put out 600rms @ 1ohm, which you will need if you get the 4 ohm subs. I hope that makes sense.
You could also get the dual 4 ohms and put an audiobahn a8002t or a8002v to them. they look different but performance wise are the same the difference is the T is last years model and the V is this years model. that wouldnt cost a whole lot. You can get the A8002V on ebay for about $150 shipped. so if $150 is what you wanna spend go that route. When i posted that last post i didnt see that you wanted to spend no more than $150 on an amp.
Hey man... I don't care if there was 9 Chauncey's here. My name is Chauncey, and thats what I would like to be called. I am not gonna change it to accomodate anyone, who would? Your are being dumb. Have a nice day.