

Silver Member
Username: Crayola0


Post Number: 148
Registered: Jun-06
Are these subs SPL or SQ subs. FID=1411584&CFTOKEN=d113fd2b2aa400dc-6A64B078-1422-7C6E-50342D30A8AC34B7

Silver Member
Username: Stnorris

Eldridge, IA US

Post Number: 630
Registered: Apr-06
i would say those have pretty good sq. ive never heard one before, but looking at the specs, price, and the sub, it looks not bad.

it prolly can get pretty loud with 400rms to it, and still keep sq.

Silver Member
Username: Crayola0


Post Number: 152
Registered: Jun-06
do u think 2 of those would be better than 2 12" type r's?

Gold Member
Username: Rovin

Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 8481
Registered: Jul-05
never heard that particular model but mmats makes good stuff even their so call SPL sub Jugg plays clean loud

hardly any1 even heard of the brand name - if i had 2 get some new stuff that was different from every1 i would choose it ......

Silver Member
Username: Crayola0


Post Number: 153
Registered: Jun-06
so should i get those instead of 2 12" type r's? They should hit harder too since they are 15's right?

Silver Member
Username: Stnorris

Eldridge, IA US

Post Number: 639
Registered: Apr-06
not exactly. the rs might still hit harder. im not sure, cause i dont know much about those mmats.

Silver Member
Username: Crayola0


Post Number: 154
Registered: Jun-06
Anyone else know anything about these Mmats? Will they hit harder then 2 12" type r's

Silver Member
Username: Crayola0


Post Number: 155
Registered: Jun-06
Anyone have and experience with Mmats products?

Silver Member
Username: 2pacalypse1971

Sandusky, Oh

Post Number: 136
Registered: Jul-05
my main problem is that even though im white, i have a ten incher that wont fit in my car

Silver Member
Username: Crayola0


Post Number: 157
Registered: Jun-06

Silver Member
Username: Killer44

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 569
Registered: Dec-04
jaymes...i had 1 mmats pro series 12 in a bandpass box with only 180watts and man trust me it pounded i can jsut imagine two of those 15's with the right would be sick...i definately recommend those subs, anything MMATS for that matter, they are a great company, and like Rovin said no one else really has them, i wish i could of gotten mmats subs/amps in my new setup but the subs wouldnt fit in my s10 and the amps are a bit pricey...but ya everyone was like "you got MMATS? What the he!! is that..?" then when they heard it and found out it was only one 12 they were amazed, get them and put them in the right box with clean power and you will be very happy..hope that helps..

Silver Member
Username: Adddisorder

West palm, Florida

Post Number: 417
Registered: Jan-06
my freind has 4 12'' mmats subs dont nkow what model but hes got 600rms going to each of them and it is loud as s h i t very good quiality subs

Silver Member
Username: Astrosafari

Delhi, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 467
Registered: Aug-05
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