i have a dual bandpass box lying around, so i was thinking of an idea to use it, so it has dual champers one on each side, and it has 2 3inch ports 4.5inchs long, so i was thinking what if i take and only put in 1 sub, tand seal it off, take out the ports and put a piece of wood or somthing over it to seal it, then on the oppisite side take the ports and make them longer so its tuned to about 35hz, would this idea work or not.
but i was also thinking what if i left the one port end open, i didn't seal it, and put ports at the other end, wouldn't it act just like a ported box.
ok this was my trial and error day, i tryed the box to see how it sounded, and it was ok the bass wasn't too loud, so i took the ports and put them on the side of the sub and sealed off the other side, and it sounds a lot better and has a lot better low end bass response, so i got to looking on line and found that i built a single reflex bandpass box, or 4th order bandpass, i think thats the number, but anyway i figured it out and it acutally doesn't sound to bad and gets low.