Iraggi seems to be more expencive. when i was looking for a new alt, Excessive could only get me a 180 amp, 80 at idle, can't remember price though, it was cheaper then Iraggi.. Iraggi, i got a 200 amp, 110 at idle for $349 plus shipping (377 total for 2nd day UPS).
but i love it. WAY better then the 160 amp i got from 4alterstart a while ago. i burned it up, lol. but it was only like $200.
Dom admittedly uses better parts in his warranted alternators (doesn't care to be bothered by the returns). So long as you go that route (1yr-lifetime), it's great stuff. Lifetime allows you to also trade in your alternator should you invest in a different vehicle down the line. I haven't heard anything negative about Nathan's product. He comes off a bit arrogant for my tastes personally, but I like the way his alternators appear. I can only speak on the Iraggis's from first hand experience.
well, not to start a bad rep for Nathan or anything, but one of my friends bought an alt for his SUV a month ish ago, he said nathan was slow on responces and slow on shipping. It also turned out they sent him a Focked up alt, in that it would shut off at a higher rpm after itle or sumthin like that. It was professionally installed too. Maybe my friend didnt know and ordered the wrong type of alt for like a dedicated show car, but nathan should have helped him along with his decision or sumthin.
i dont know maybe u should go with iraggi, hes a bit more expensive but he does clearly state what kind of warranties he offers an Excessiveamperage Doesnt
Excessive does have a warranty but i think its more of a CAse to Case basis an since he doesnt clearly state what kind of warranty he offers he could just turn you away if a problem arises if he sees fit to at that time since u wont really have any agreement
Nathan is OK with me, he is a 1 man team. He is very busy, and yet he finds the time to meet all his orders... Ive done a few deals with Nathan, talk with him on the regular. He is a good "southern" guy... Prices are unbeatable. Nathan, will allways back his product if he made it.
He also got my friend a reg alternator for his truck in like 2days!! Cause locally we could only find rebuilt ones, Nathan had a new 1 there the next morning! 150$; locally 280$ rebuilt!!
Ive also heard alot about Iraggi and his parts, I know his alternators are killer, but are they worth the price? I think Nathan is good for daily system! Competition maybe Iraggi..
Nathan also had to deal with recovery after Hurricane Katrina. Keep that in mind when complaining about response times. He's in the South East and got hit hard b this past season's disasters.