all right I have a bx1500d I had it hooked up to a 1.33 ohm load, (3 4 ohm subs) and was wired with 4 guage ground/power. I had it all wired in for a few weeks then took it out cuz it was draining my batt a lil. i decided to wait for a HO alt. it worked fine regargless. anyways, i hooked it back up today, everything the same EXCEPT I changed the wiring that went to the subs to 8 guage speaker wire, instead of 12. I know it sounds big but it was going to 3 subs so yeah. all of a sudden poof 3 seconds of music then smoke out the amp. OMG i am soo pissed. the wire shouldnt have caused too much current draw at all, especially bc the amp is 1 ohm stable and it was 1.3 ohms for like 3 seconds...awesome any ideas? and i wanna repair it cuz Im pretty sure its toast but i am broke as $H1T. thx
not a chance maybe like 50% power or less i have it apart now and the FETs are fried they are like the fqp 65n06 ones that blew like 6 of them are toast anyways, no the amp was no where near clipping and the gain was at about 1/4 to match my pioneer deck i think imma order some more FETs from somewhere ANYONE KNOW WHERE?
Nah he clipped the HELL out of it! I did something like that b4 with a 500.1 Memphis, just by switching using 8ga speaker wire, the amp will see far less reisitance. Espically with stock alternator. But in my case, it was a 2ohm stable amp runing 1ohm for months in my car. Till I changed to 8ga speaker wire, and tested in friends car. lol Unless like Glass said, he shorted speaker terminals and kill the FETs
never did i clip it. i just posted that dude, im quite aware of how to clip an amp and no way was it "clipping the hell out of it". Glass is right, the FETS are zapped and im going to replace them see if it works, must have been a short across the terminals cuz one was loose. thanks glass