I got an Alpine Type X off chauncey brown which is wired parallel and I just got a new POS power acoustik lt1920. Well it bumps but not as much as it would if I had a true 1000 RMS. Since the Type X is dual voice coils, am I running 2 OHMS or 4? I tried bridging the amp and it just started overheating like a mofo, after a while of playing it smelled funny so I popped my trunk and it seemed like a lil beat of heat was comin from my sub, so I think i might have slightly burned the voice coil. It stilll sounds good but I connected it to one channel and am now looking for a new amp, preferably a Hifonics Brutus 2000 watt b/c i am on a budget.... Also, does anyone know any better amps for around the price range.
why hook up a type x to a power acoustick? you may have already damaged the sub! When you push in the cone of the sub, do it rub or move in & out freely? Is the subs dual 2ohm or 4ohm? we cant guess it for you. Do you have a dMM>?