Need help quick


Unregistered guest
how do ypou check if your capacitor is charged again with a 12 volt light or sumthing. And it goes battery cable to cap and then cap to amp. so only one power wire is needed right? and then ground it to metal.

Silver Member
Username: Theelfkeeper

Stockbridge, GA USA

Post Number: 747
Registered: Feb-05
a light will work and show a charge. can't remember exactly how the lights used to charge the cap. think you hook the cam - to the battery -, then put the light between the cap + and battery's +, when the light goes out, the can is charged.

yeah, battery to cap, then cap to amp, and ground the cap. 1 wire will do, just make sure you get connectors to hook the wire to the cap bolts.

Silver Member
Username: Baseball1187

Columbia, SC

Post Number: 414
Registered: Dec-04
you can check to see if it's charged by placing the bulb (light) over the pos and neg terminals. this is the proper way to discharge the cap. To charge it you put the bulb in series with the cap on the positive wire.

Unregistered guest
well we took the cap off my friends car like two days ago i dont think we need to recharge it right? its a 2.0 farad

Unregistered guest

Unregistered guest
bump please tell me if i have to recharge it i want to finish this tonight.

New member
Username: Jcash

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-05
Well i finally decided to register since i've been here for a while now and plan on coming back to this forum more often. And since people seem to not want to answer unregistered guests anymore and other anons use my name to bash other people.
So I still need help can you please tell me if i have to charge the cap again.

haha you f@g you should of stayed unregistered like us anons.

Silver Member
Username: Rideredder

Cornell, IL USA

Post Number: 135
Registered: Sep-05
So, a ground wire from amp to cap isn't nessesary?

New member
Username: Jcash

Post Number: 2
Registered: Dec-05
F*cken stupid mothaf*ckers
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