you can't just take a sealed box and port it. the volume is wrong.
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i know i CAN port this box... i used a calculator on the internet to build it and the volume after displacment (sub and port)is well within the limits of the L710 that i have, its like 2 cu ft.
just how do i mount the 4" PVC pipe in the MDF...i dont want it to just fall out!
Yes, you can do anything you want! To solve your porting problems taking PVC pipe and cutting it probably isnt the best idea. When i make my boxes i use PVC end caps. Like when your putting in a drain pipe and you dont want any critters going into the pipe you use a endcap that has like a grill on it. The good thing about the end caps is they have a lip around it. So you can push it in as far as it can go and then squirt some glue around the lip. They come in all different sizes. Home Depot or Lowels would have it.