Ported Solo X vs 2 sealed L7s


Unregistered guest
Which of the two would be the better choice? 1 ported box with a Solo X 12 or two l7s in a sealed enclosure with 0.92 cu per side. Both setups would cost the same and I am looking for the most bang for my buck. I know solos do not put out great sq which almost makes me not want to go with them but I want something that is going to pound. I am open for any other suggestions that would be around 400-500 for two subs not including an amp. I'd like to get something cheaper if possible but you get what you pay for so I might end up spending more. I was looking towards the JL W3s but I'm not sure they are going to it as hard as I'd like. I'm only working wih 7inch mounting depth so I'm limited. Anyone have any better sub choices?

Bronze Member
Username: Transient


Post Number: 16
Registered: Oct-05
Check out the Hifonics Atlas series. They're square or round and put out great sond quality and bass for the budget. sonicelectronix.com
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