okay ive got that ABC box i built and im trying to mess around with it. im going to close off the second chamber and just use the 4 ports wich are 2 in dia. and they are 16 inch in lenth each port. so 4 ports 2in dia totalling 64 inch port lenght/... what is my tune.. if im not mistaken thats going to be EXTREMELY low. like 10hz or something. ... can i hurt the sub in any way like this? oh yeah after closing off the 2nd chamber its appx 5cuft net. thanks for ur help.
also i just got the idea of cutting off the 2nd chamber but leaving in the middle ports so that would be 8 ports but i could cut the others off making 4 ports 16 inches and 4 ports appx 9 inches... wow im trying too hard... leave it as if i just plug the middle ports and i use 4 ports and 5cuft net.
Type RF Nut
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5 cu. ft. net with 4 2" ports @ 16 inches total length each is 19.56 hz tuning.
type rf- how did you do that? i mean like are u using a program online? because if so id like to get the link because the only programs i know of help you figure out length for a desired tune and not what tune a certain lenth and area and volume is.
i dont think thats correct though... are u understanding that each port is 16 inches in length... that makes 64 inches of port length! i think its a lot lower than 19.56
you dont add the port lengths together....you add the port AREA. the port area of 4 2" pipes it only 16.57sq inches...(the equivalent of a 10" x 1.657" slot port)
you still have a 16" long port, but you have VERY little port area for a box that big...that is why the box it tuned so low. with a box that big, i would say go w/ 35sq in+ of port area.
marshal you dont understand lol... im not building this box for something. it was already built for mmy avalanche as an abc box with 12 ports. i was going to close off 8 of the ports so it would be a normal ported enclosure but im not anymore, stupid idea lol.
trevor dont give up man and basically if you close out the second chamber youll be tuned to 20 hz the inside ports will need closed off too( chamber 1 to chamber 2) ...now you gave me more ideas with that question lol
im not done experimenting with my abc box by far but things are on hold for a while. (i now have the tools to test my box rise) and i figured out a way to lower it and hopefully i can iron out the other bugs we talked about