Silver Member Username: Camaro155mphPost Number: 188 Registered: Aug-05 | My vice principal made this announcement over the intercom today... "It has been brought to my attention that student's music, particuliary low bass tones, from their cars before and after school is very obnoxious and disturbing to the neighbors surrounding the school. We must respect their property and privacy. Music is not to be played a high decibel levels, on school grounds, or streets adjacent to the school." I just thought this was hilarious becuz the school can't do to much about kids playing their music loud. The most they could do is call the police and report it, but that wouldn't get them far becuz cops would actually have to hear it before they could do anything. Also, I don't see how they can give out detentions to someone for playing their music either b4 or after school hours, and definitely not when i am off school property. Even if the neighbors call the cops, i've already driven there is no use calling them. It was very humorous to hear my VP make this annoucement though, becuz no one will listen to him ne ways. I'll sit in the parking lot with my hatchback open and turn my sh!t full blast and not give a damn.... lol |
Gold Member Username: Mikechec9Http://www.cardomain.c... Post Number: 1090 Registered: May-05 | i'm a teacher. we typically talk about the deterences we are going to make and how there is actually litttle to nothing we can actually do about it. like standing for the pledge, or wearing uniforms, or returning books. if the student doesn't want to, there is nothing that can be done. so we just scare them a bit. that never worked for me as a student. |
Silver Member Username: Robert_dMIA, FL USA Post Number: 153 Registered: Sep-05 | thats why we have that stupid 25ft or w/e music law |
Silver Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 975 Registered: Sep-04 | yeah think you should gather up all your buddies and park right outside of his office and make his pencils boounce off his desk. lol although there are times to keep ur system low though. main reason i think, when driving by an accident. |
Silver Member Username: Camaro155mphPost Number: 189 Registered: Aug-05 | well maybe i won't do that, becuz that is clearly trying to piss the administration off, and makes me an easy target... so i probably won't be doin that. |
Silver Member Username: Camaro155mphPost Number: 191 Registered: Aug-05 | ya i agree... i never have my system up loud when i drive by anywhere with the po-po's |
Silver Member Username: Camaro155mphPost Number: 192 Registered: Aug-05 | maybe its just us people who like loud music, but when someone drives by me when i'm walking or w/e and they have country music or classical or w/e it doesn't matter... it doesn't bother me at all...even when they are stopped at a red light or something and its still full blast.... don't matter to me... it can be annoying, but i mean i think that unless its doing physical harm to someone, there shouldn't be a law against it. No one "owns" the air that the sound travels through, so i don't know how they can make laws on stuff the state doesn't own... its everyones air that we breathe, no one can say "no thats my air" So we should be able to do what we want with it. lol sorry if this doens't make a lot of sense its real late and i am really tired |
New member Username: Sentinel216Waco, Texas United States Post Number: 5 Registered: Sep-05 | reminds me of the time when my school made the rule that you can't have tobacco in your car while on school property. even if it's hidden. if the dog sniffed it or they found out you got your parking spot revoked. pissed me off. cause it's MY car and i was 18. I was like what am I supposed to do... get outta school, drive all the way home and get my pack before I can smoke... yea right. but yea... that sounds like an announcement or rule my school would make. |
Silver Member Username: ScubasteveCollege Park, MD Post Number: 616 Registered: May-05 | Usually, if you make any attempt to turn down your music, people will be satisfied. Even if you don't turn it down enough, you're still showing that you realize that they're there and might not want to be assaulted by your music. My room at school is right across from the RA, and I play my music loud at 1 a.m. but when I see him coming, i turn it down a bit. Thats why he's written other people up but not me. |
Silver Member Username: TheelfkeeperStockbridge, GA USA Post Number: 421 Registered: Feb-05 | When i was in High School, i'd always get yelled at over my truck being loud. Now my fault 65 Chevy C-10's with 350 small blocks are loud. and on my brother's parking permit form, there was something on there that said by signing this form you here by give up all your constitutional rights. can't remember exactly how it was worded, but pretty close to that. can they even do that?? I do agree with steve though, if you at least show concern, its appreciated. you shouldn't purposely try and annoy people. |
Silver Member Username: Kd7nfrMontpelier, ID United States Post Number: 940 Registered: Apr-05 | Last day of HS, I had a 1982 Camaro Z-28. Still have it, but with a different engine... nyway, it had a 350 in it with 450HP (yea, I spent some money on that engine). When everyone came out, I burned the tires around the parking lot 6 times. The wheels were going about 50mph, and I was barely moving. They came out and tried to get me in trouble, but couldn't. Why? Because it was a school... Same with music. Unless the cop sees you do it, they can't do sh1t. But with the car, everyone thought it was cool... music may be different... CHEERS! |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 4464 Registered: Nov-04 | There are some acceptable and non acceptable bass. Just use common sense. If for example you were playing some R Kelly's criminal music or cheap 50 cent's swearings or rap with heavy female body parts, then yes, those should be banned where small children are around. It does no one any good. However, song with clean lyric and low bass, can be acceptable as long as it doesn't crack anyone's windows. Most of the parents that complain are doing so cause of bad words in the songs. You know, "matha puckers", "big phat azz", etc. |
Silver Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 932 Registered: Jul-05 | Thats y Eminem causes such an uproar cause its regular lyrix like 'suck my dick', 'f@gs' ,f-word & its variables etc .....but he's my fav rap artist for his originality & outspoken raw lyrix . Hmmmm - wondering if there would be any complaints if Yanni or Bethoven type songs were played @ really loud volume ![]() |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 4465 Registered: Nov-04 | Here's what happens if you skip school too much: Presidential Briefing Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing. He concludes by saying: "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed." "OH NO!" the President exclaims. "That's terrible!" His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the President sits, head in hands. Finally, the President looks up and asks, "How many is a brazillion?" |
Silver Member Username: FandimReno, Nevada United State... Post Number: 220 Registered: Jun-05 | I like Isaac's earlier post.. I have a system (not just bass, but one where the highs can be heard from quite a distance, as well) And whenever I'm in a parking lot, or main road with a lot of pedestrian traffic.. (I live in Reno, a tourist city, so a LOT of the roads have very thick pedestrians on both sides of the road) I switch CD's, if I happen to be listening to anything that could be deemed offensive, to a CD that's just as loud, but without anything vulgar/offensive, etc. Why do I do this? It's not illegal here (no noise ordinance in Reno - would be hard to nail me for my music when I was driving by a casino nearly as loud, or an open pavillion concert, etc..) I do this out of respect. I can readily admit that some of the things I listen to, are not appropriate for John Doe's 3 kids to hear, walking down the road going to Circus Circus. I dont have my system to piss the world off. I dont crank my volume up after it's dark outside and people might be sleeping. It's just respect for other people, especially those trying to raise a family. It's hard enough without their kids hearing "f@ck that, blah blah, lick her P&&##, blah blah". Just my 49 cents. Seth |
Bronze Member Username: CaraudioPost Number: 29 Registered: Sep-05 | THATS STUPIDD! I kno tones of people that play it in the school parking lot and you could hear it on the 3rd floor of my class and people dont say nothing because you cant do much about it. |
Silver Member Username: ShawnomakHB, SK Canada Post Number: 128 Registered: May-05 | hey.. story: one day me and my friend were out cruising at noon hour and i stopped right outside the doors to the school while he ran in to get a new cd he made... well, i had my music pounding and the principal walked out and sat in my car with me. Im thinking to myself, wtf, am i in trouble? but he just said "thats some loud music" bounced his head a few times and went back into the school. There are some people that are gonna hate you for having loud music and theres those that wont.. i guess im lucky because ppl in my town dont really care. |
Silver Member Username: Camaro823British Colu... Canada Post Number: 220 Registered: Jun-05 | Thats canada man, people got other sh!t to worry about then how loud your music is, same story over here. People could care less about how loud it is (could also be the fact that we have so many filthy thieves that nobody wants to play it loud). |
Silver Member Username: James_gTN Post Number: 268 Registered: Jul-05 | Wow, this thread brings back some fond memories. When I was in high school, we had off-campus lunch. Only the 9th grade class was required to eat in the cafeteria. I would usually pick something up at a drive-thru and go back to my parking area and eat. It wasn't uncommon for me to crank it while I was having my after-dinner cigarette. My system wasn't anything special, but it was by far the hardest hitting system at my school. I was running four Punch 12s with a Hifonics Boltar pushing them at 2 ohms in a Nissan King Cab. I saw my Algebra teacher approaching my truck one day during lunch. I quickly put out my smoke and figured he had been watching me. To my surprise the teachers in the lunch lounge had asked him to go tell "James" to turn down his stereo. LOL. I asked "Mr. Sipe" if it was really that loud, and he laughed and told me when plates were vibrating in the teacher's lounge, it was too loud. |
Bronze Member Username: MadeupnamePost Number: 15 Registered: Sep-05 | issac, thats funny cuz i heard that joke for the first time friday. my socieology teacher actually told me that one. quite ironic |
Silver Member Username: Kd7nfrMontpelier, ID United States Post Number: 942 Registered: Apr-05 | Spin dat sh1t. |
bumpy Unregistered guest | *bump* cuz i wanna read it tommorw. |