If you ever Heard 2 ''15 Avalanches In a Car(not truck)or know somthing about wave length come on In


Bronze Member
Username: Lil_jon

Post Number: 93
Registered: Jul-05
I was at a JL dealers today or yesterday for some instalation, and I brought up my car and asked them how well will a 5cube ported BOX do in a Eldorado Playing 2 ''15s? and this is a fe w things what they said

5cube and 15s are usually for suv because theres more space and longer wave length

In a Car 94 Eldorado, The longer stroke of the 15 wouldnt sound so good because the sub could be too close to the trunk, Therefor the 15 would not reach its potential because of the shortning of the wave length.

But he said the sealed would hit harder and the ported would be louder

what would sound better for my car?

4cube sealed or 5 cube ported?
With wave length in consideration.
I need it to be very very very loud and go very low or I know me, I will damage the woofer trying to get more volume out of it,

Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 4147
Registered: Nov-04
You might want to consider your trunk space. In general, you really need at least 6" of free air space between the sub and the back wall of the trunk. Anything less and the low frequency, 15" or 18" might produce can or may be cancelled out.
Just as port length can tune freqencies, so can a trunk space.
If you have RTA, try a little test. Put a sub 12" sub inside and play 20Hz - 150Hz tones. You will notice that, at certain frequency, it'll generate more SPL.
Now repeat the same test with 18" sub. The frequency that was loud with 12", will not be the same with 18".
The point I'm trying to make is, the volume of the trunk can have some effect on tuned frequency.
Go vented, since you want SPL.

Bronze Member
Username: Lil_jon

Post Number: 96
Registered: Jul-05
how do you measure a the cubic feet again?

the avas might have to go in my other car and the
XXX may have to go in my eldorado
the other car will provide more width and more hieght but not more depth

what will the rms be on the new XXX

Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 4157
Registered: Nov-04
Probably 1600w rms as before or higher.
Go to bcae1.com and use the basic enclosure design. It'll calculate everything for you.
My MT pounds. My ears are aching now.

Gold Member
Username: Suleman36

Maryland U.S.A.

Post Number: 2123
Registered: Feb-05
I cant even imagine more then 1 Avalanche 15 in a car. I have mine at 2.2 sealed and its more then enough for me and it hurts my ears at loud levels and i listen to mostly rap but it sounds good on every type of music in this box. Im using a CrossFire VR1000D and the gain is like less then half way and it just pounds. Im using a Pioneer Premier 860. Very Loud and Clear once you install it right and EQ it.

p.s. much louder then my 2 JL 12w6v2's sealed.

Silver Member
Username: Lil_jon

Post Number: 101
Registered: Jul-05
Moe how you think i would sound 5cube ported?
If I dont like that I may try 4.5 sealed

thanks Isaac

o the way that new sub looks just looks like it will push way more because of its ecursion

Gold Member
Username: Suleman36

Maryland U.S.A.

Post Number: 2127
Registered: Feb-05
LiL Jon call up chad at www.ascendantaudio.com and tell him what you are doing and he will help you pick out the right box for this. Tell him what type of car you have and amp and so on...
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