Capacitor help


Bronze Member
Username: Smallville

Sandy, Utah Utah

Post Number: 32
Registered: Aug-05
umm i know now how to hook up my 2 subs and everything to my amp..but now how do i hook up my capacitor to my amp? because i have 2 pretty thick wires on top of my capacitor and i dont know what ones go in what slot of my amp? anybpdy have suggestions?

Bronze Member
Username: Infinity_addict

Santa Rosa, California USA

Post Number: 94
Registered: Jul-05
battery positive wire to pos of capacitor. pos of cap wire goes to pos batt terminal of amp. negative of cap to ground, neg of amp to ground. keep the pos wire from yer cap to yer amp short, keep your ground wires short. ta da!

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 9187
Registered: Dec-03
STFW. this info is easily found with a little effort of your own.

Silver Member
Username: Cnafets

Post Number: 109
Registered: Aug-05
LMFAO. It really is though.

Silver Member
Username: Cnafets

Post Number: 111
Registered: Aug-05
forgot the trademark bluetext

Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 3880
Registered: Nov-04
Corey, use the search function. There's lots of threads on capacitor, it's useage, and charging.
If you don't charge the capacitor before using, you'll get a spark big enough to burn or take part of the terminal.

ICEman/quickshot etc, you guys seem to post a lot and yet offer very little help. Is that why you got banned by the admin? For spamming/flooding?

Silver Member
Username: Quickshot

Charlotte, North Carolina U.S.

Post Number: 127
Registered: Aug-05
no disrespect issac but weve helped plenty of people..and its bullsh!t how we got banned

Silver Member
Username: Cnafets

Post Number: 114
Registered: Aug-05
I personally have already told him how to hook a cap up to the amp, so that's why I'm not going to give an answer to this question. Yes that is why we were banned, but we were still answering peoples qusetions, but we made 2 offtopic threads and the next day we're banned.
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