Ground zero?


Bronze Member
Username: Bryce_k


Post Number: 20
Registered: Apr-05
Anyone know if they make decent stuff?

Silver Member
Username: Subzer0

Richmond, KY USA

Post Number: 402
Registered: May-05
they used to have a few good subs.. personally I think.. haven't heard anything about them since.

Bronze Member
Username: Firlefanz

Post Number: 33
Registered: Jul-05
GZ always was more for the SPL. They seriously are trying to push the market here (Europe).

Now the started selling Amps which go more SQ like the 2 ch. Uranium GZUA 2225SQ

Generally GZ is known for speaker at a small budget which go quite loud and subs which are offered for a reasonable price. Also the have a monster sub.

They even started up selling batteries, which imo are bought from other brand names (Sonnenschein?) and just label them and ask more money.


New member
Username: Modder05

Brooklyn, Oh

Post Number: 6
Registered: Jul-05
The GZ's of yesteryear were the subs to go after, they were long excursion subs that at the time were pretty pricey, now its all a bunch of junk.

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