joe smoe. Professionals are expensive. It took all day to build the box. the labor was 550 the materials 200. I wanted the box mounted there. there is nothing wrong with it. I know your going to say oh it can vibrate something loose. WRONG. the box is solid. it doesn't vibrate the amp. That what you get for 700+ dollars. a rock solid box. NO VIBRATION!
You don't think your box will vibrate?? Pfffftt.... please! BTW, that box, from the pics looks like basic 3/4" MDF. That will vibrate. Just don't say no one warned you when your amp kicks out one day.
Yeah, sorry Justin. I forgot about labor, that sucks man. How many hours did they take?
No offense, you can say what you want, but I'm with Isaac W, there's no way your box doesn't vibrate some, it doesn't look like anything special. Just MDF.
i think it has to do with flexing mdf is a more soild of wood say then normal plywood wich gives you that hit instead of the box asorb more of the basswith the plywood flexing
i took from 9 a.m ., to 8 p.m. the amp is not directly on the box, there are 2 pieces of wood between the amp and the box, it does not vibrate, and the box does not vibrate, AT ALL. If you have a huge box that is like 3 feet wide in some spots, sure it will vibrate. biggest piece on here is 40 by 14. Long but not wide. it does not vibrate at all. My whole truck does, but not the box. I get my dynamat on wwednesday. that should stop the truck from vibrating so much. Joe smoe, you must use particle board. not mdf. my box does not vibrate.
no, the place that built it is doing it for free for anyone that wants to on the 23rd of july, so i am going then, i will let ya know for sure, hopefully like 140. you think thats possible for 2 twelves?
"the only thing i dont like is ya chioce of subs...they sound very clean but dont hit hard enough 4 my taste"
Learn how to build a proper ported enclosure, then come back and say they don't hit hard enough. I know of a single 15" Type R doin a 150 on the New TL.
dude ive saw a pro installed Type r in a ported box tuned 2 29 hz....dont give me a talk about building boxes dude....i might not know much but i can build ya basic ported and sealed box
Nice install. Good and clean. I like Alpine, but I'm seeing a lot of my friend's subs starting to crap out on them after two years of use. Not the kinda sub I wanna get! Only thing I would have done different, is made everything bigger! Two Eclipse Ti's would knock your socks off in there! Thumbs up bro, go show her off!
It isn't a huge problem mounting an amplifier to a box, it's just the look that turns people off. If you can hit a pothole at cruising speed and the amp doesn't take a crap on you, the vibration of the box isn't really going to cause any problems. I've seen people run them like that for years.
"dude ive saw a pro installed Type r in a ported box tuned 2 29 hz....dont give me a talk about building boxes dude....i might not know much but i can build ya basic ported and sealed box"
1. Just because he's a professional, doesn't mean he's good at it. 2. That box was tuned entirely too low for those subs if you're trying to get loud. 35-40 hz is where they really put out. 3. Building a basic sealed or ported box really isn't all that special. In fact, if you can use a circular saw and make decent cuts you can do it. Not trying to bash you here, just making a point.
"juston u should hit at least 143 cause that is about the cleanest looking box ive ever seen"
A clean install has nothing to do with how loud it gets. If that was the case people would just use aperiodic enclosuers and have super clean installs puttin out big numbers. Sorry if i'm comin off too strong right now. I just don't want people thinking incorrect information is the right information. I'm not really a dick.
I've never dealt with Ti's nor have I talked to anyone who has done an SPL setup with them. I'm willing to bet they sound pretty damn good at 32 hz though.