Hey, I have 4 15" jl w3's and 1600 watts rms in ported enclosures. I plan on going to a spl comp sometime this summer. I dont want to get my hopes up to high and was wondering if anyone would have a rough guesstimate of what i might hit. Its in an astro. I am hoping mid 140's.
you wont be anywhere near 150, not even close. Are we talking 1600rms total at 4 ohms? Or is this what your speakers are actually getting. I run 0-1000 watts prostock. My amplifers are 2500watts rms at .5 ohms. I run 3 of them and they are under 1000watts, how? ok....They add up/divide the 4 ohm power of the amp. Like this... 2500 -.5ohm 1250 -1 ohm 625 -2 ohm 312.5 -4 ohm ...so 312.5 times three equals 937.5, coming in just under the 1000 watt limit. I have only 937 watts on paper but in reality my subs are seeing about 7500 watts.
If you were to tell me a little bit more of about your system I can give you an accurate guestimation of it's potential.
Exactly. Why do you think all the good old school amps were called cheater's? If I were in a compitition, my Orion 250 G4 would be rated at 50 watts rms x 2, 200 bridged. Do you think I'm pushing my Avalanche with 200 watts? Nope...