Dvc 4ohm


Silver Member
Username: Cenus

Hicksville, Ohio Usa

Post Number: 240
Registered: Jan-05
what happens if you have a 4ohm dvc sub, but you only use one of the voice coils, what ohm load will you get, and how will it affect the way the sub sounds. i need to know cause my brother is a moron and has his kicker cvr hooked up this way and he won't listen to me when i tell him about the ohms law or that his kenwood amp is a piece of SH1T

Silver Member
Username: Solacedagony

New Jersey US

Post Number: 506
Registered: Oct-04
Someone said once that you should never play a DVC or QVC sub without using all VCs or you could be risking damage. Not sure how credible that is, however.

Silver Member
Username: Alias747


Post Number: 300
Registered: Apr-05
Thats just a know fact, you never do that. He will end up cashing his sub. If it's DVC, power both coils.

Silver Member
Username: Cenus

Hicksville, Ohio Usa

Post Number: 241
Registered: Jan-05
what ohm load does a dvc 4 ohm sub have if only one of the voice coils are getting power.

Unregistered guest
if just powering one, it will give a 4ohm load, but this will damage the sub, so don't do it.
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