Subwoofer spec. question...


sq junkie
Unregistered guest
I might just be an idiot but I was wondering what these specs mean that come with the speakers:

Silver Member
Username: Mikechec9


Post Number: 216
Registered: May-05
Qms, Qes, and Qts are measurements related to the control of a transducer's suspension when it reaches the resonant frequency (Fs). The suspension must prevent any lateral motion that might allow the voice coil and pole to touch (this would destroy the loudspeaker). The suspension must also act like a shock absorber. Qms is a measurement of the control coming from the speaker's mechanical suspension system (the surround and spider). View these components like springs. Qes is a measurement of the control coming from the speaker's electrical suspension system (the voice coil and magnet). Opposing forces from the mechanical and electrical suspensions act to absorb shock. Qts is called the 'Total Q' of the driver and is derived from an equation where Qes is multiplied by Qms and the result is divided by the sum of the same.
As a general guideline, Qts of 0.4 or below indicates a transducer well suited to a vented enclosure. Qts between 0.4 and 0.7 indicates suitability for a sealed enclosure. Qts of 0.7 or above indicates suitability for free-air or infinite baffle applications. However, there are exceptions!

Silver Member
Username: Mikechec9


Post Number: 217
Registered: May-05
the sd is the actual surface area of the cone, normally given in square cm.

sq junkie
Unregistered guest
mikechec9 you are a friggin genious. But how do these factors apply to the overall quality of the speaker, if at all?

Silver Member
Username: Mikechec9


Post Number: 219
Registered: May-05
nope. just regurgitating what i read and learn like everyone else.
these are some of what are called "theile-small" parameters, and they (all of them) tell the basic characteristics of a driver. it is oftentimes costly to look at just one measurement and try to deduce a driver's "quality." it is similar to that screen on the matrix. at first the letters and respective numbers look like...letters and numbers. eventually, they collectively take on a broader meaning. even then, it is still necessary to listen to a sub and not just go off of paper specs. but the parameters give you an overall gist of what to expect in most cases. they are what intise most to WANT to listen to a particular sub. i'm still gaining proficiency at "reading the screen" myself.

New member
Username: Sq_junkie

Anchorage, AK US

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jun-05
Thanks for your help. BTW, I just purchased a pair of MTX 8500 10" subs. Each one is in a 1ft3 box and they hit quite nicely. I believe the amp I'm using, however, is not really giving them a run for their money. Its an Audiobahn 2400e 2channel amp. If you dont give the speakers their reqired amount of power is that a bad thing?

Silver Member
Username: Alpineuser

Winchester, TN

Post Number: 539
Registered: Mar-05
no it isnt bad in the sense of damaging your subs. the only thing bad about underpowering your subs is that you wont get full output out of them. Now if u are underpowering and you have your gains and your boost set to high you can start to clip them which will ruin your subs over time.

New member
Username: Sq_junkie

Anchorage, AK US

Post Number: 4
Registered: Jun-05
Thanx for clearing that up Alpine. No the woofers arent clipping. Im just not 100% sure they are as loud as they could be.

Silver Member
Username: Alpineuser

Winchester, TN

Post Number: 545
Registered: Mar-05
whats the rms on them and how much power are u giving them? You want your amps rms per sub to match the rms of the subs for optimal performance.

Silver Member
Username: Alpineuser

Winchester, TN

Post Number: 546
Registered: Mar-05
140w @ 2 ohms stereo

are these subs SVC 2 ohm? according to what i have read they are 500watts rms, so yea u are underpowering them substantially if thats the case.

New member
Username: Sq_junkie

Anchorage, AK US

Post Number: 5
Registered: Jun-05
The rms on the woofers is 500w per sub. The amp rms is like 240w (its kindof old). I know that isnt nearly enough. I just dont have the $$ for a 1000w amp right now....or do I? What is the most reasonably priced 1000+w amp out there?

Silver Member
Username: Alpineuser

Winchester, TN

Post Number: 549
Registered: Mar-05
now this isnt the worlds strongest or best amp but it is nice for cheap. it produces full power at 1 ohm but im still not sure of the Voice coil configuration of the 8510s %26

New member
Username: Sq_junkie

Anchorage, AK US

Post Number: 6
Registered: Jun-05
They have a single vc @4 ohms. Sorry but I cant get to e-bay. This is a work computer and there are certian places we cant get to. Im suprised I can get here. Tell me what kind of amp it is and Ill look it up with google.

Silver Member
Username: Alpineuser

Winchester, TN

Post Number: 553
Registered: Mar-05
well at svc 4 ohms you will need a different type of amp that only produces 500w at 2 ohms. I would say look for an mtx801d it produces 800w rms at 2 ohms which is more than enough for those 10s and will run you about $280 plus shipping depending on where you get it. Here is a site if you can go to it but you might be able to find cheaper. =Mtx_Thunder+801D

New member
Username: Sq_junkie

Anchorage, AK US

Post Number: 8
Registered: Jun-05
I was also considering a PG or a Hifonics. Are those pretty good amps?
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