Depends. On how much your stock alternator puts out now and how much draw your regular electronics in your car are using up already. But I think I can safely say that if you have an average alternator, which is about 70-80A, neither of those amps are gonna work on your stock alternator. You more than likely are going to need a new alternator.
In my car I have a 80 amp alternator and when I get my music pounding some low notes my headlights slightly dim. And my amp is only putting out 600 wrms maybe a little more. Both of those amps you are looking at are 1000 wrms.
BTW, if my lights are only dimming a little bit when I really get pounding, is it a big problem?
105 amps, you still might be pushing it. The best way to know is to hook up ever thing and turn up the bass loud on some real low notes. Then check if your lights are dimming a lot.
im not sure if ill need an alternator my suns are 600 rms each aso 500 would be getting to both from a 1000/1 amp so ill waiot and see when i get it all if i need a new one or not. what kindwould i need most likely?