How bad are these really compared to others like Rockford or Alpine. I know JL is probably a much better brand, but I actually use a PA because of Best Buy. Sounds pretty decent with an RF 901M@ 1 ohm. That's the only thing they would trade me out for my old RF HE2. Thanks
Power acoustik, hmm, they arent the best but its better than some out there, what is this post about do you want our opinion on poweracoustik, or do you want us to tell you about something else??
When I first got into car audio I had a Power Acoustik amp. (didnt have much money to spend then) But it worked for what i wanted at the time. Not real high performance and they get extremely hot when you push them.
just opinions really. I had looked into some of their older stuff, "seemed" to be pretty good, but i don't know for sure because i have never used any of it.
dont trade your he2s they will blow pas out of the water, trust me. i had the fubrs from best buy, they are over rated, sloppy, and take a lot of power. the he2s are much better