hey what would you guys think if i threw my ava 15 in a 6 cu ft box, vented. i havent got the tuning yet, to be honest im not really sure what it will be tuned to....sean and joe i need your help
here are the internal measurements 34x22.5x15 my port is going to be an L shape which is 4.5 wide and i think 8 inches long, (if that makes any sense) and my vent opening is goin to be 5 inches and at the choke area 4.5. well i havent made it yet so this can change.
im looking for deep low bass and sq, i want to hit low notes like 27hz, i know it will be loud so im not really worried about that, i just need to get my port tuning low enough, i dont know the formula to get it though
lets make your port 11.5 high and 2 inches wide your internal depth will tune the port to 20 hz since its 20.5 deep plus .75 for the wood comes to 21.25 inches deep at 5.85 cf. after sub displacements this is using 34 x 20.5 x 15 internal (35.5 x 22 x 16.5 external using .75 mdf) what kind of power you going to run to this
oops didnt see thqt post when i made mine. well i put my numbers into a calc at carstereo.com and it tol me that it will be tuned to 28 hertz which i feel is low enough, do you? and im goin to be using my brutus 1500, but ill water it down so i down f*ck it up, no 1500 watts to it,
yeah and i want you to tell us what 20 hz is like. Its gonna shake shake shake the inside of the car im sure. lol Im gealous now. I want to experience the 20 hz effect.
hunter.....just do swappable ports on that box and youll only have to build one box...or you could do my adjustablable airspace box along with sealed and ported options