Running subs - ohms???????


New member
Username: Big_l

Post Number: 7
Registered: 02-2004
will running my two kicker 10" (40hm) subs at 2 ohm hurt them?

Cheers guys!


New member
Username: Dan3

Post Number: 4
Registered: 02-2004
No, just make sure your amp can handle that load

Bronze Member
Username: Big_l

Surrey, Surrey England

Post Number: 12
Registered: Feb-04
does bridging the subs make any difference to this?

cheers mate

Bronze Member
Username: Tbone

OK United States

Post Number: 90
Registered: Feb-04
Yes, if you have two four ohm subs and wire them -2- +2+ you will achieve a two ohm load. Now if you bridge your amp, your amp will now see a 2 ohm load, and when you add the subs, which are now wired at two ohms, the amp sees a 1 ohm load, not good for most amps. What kind of amp do you have?

Bronze Member
Username: Big_l

Surrey, Surrey England

Post Number: 14
Registered: Feb-04
i have a JBL GTO6000
mainly to drive my components and fronts but i'm a bit poor at the mo so i'm tring to budget and run my subs of this amp to, it's obviously meant for one sub but i think there has to be a way around this problem

Bronze Member
Username: The_master

Bellmawr, Nj Usa

Post Number: 12
Registered: Mar-04
check to see if amp is 2 ohm stable- if so it should be ok--make sure your power and ground wires are big enough-also for few days keep checking amp for heat
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