how loud can 1 15" atlas get?? and anything i can do to get its maximum output.. because i want some spl!!! i know the atlas is a big sq sub but how loud can 1 15" get... also its recommend in a sealed but if you go ported won't it be louder?
Jake Keller
Unregistered guest
Posted on
P.S. this sub HAS to be louder then my friends 2 10" jl audio(older brand duno what model) and a couple of duals n legacy's... and 2 mtx's-- will it be??? thats kinda hard to do but i would love to wipe my friends smirk of there face with 1 sub! when they have 2
if the 1 15" atlas wont do it any other subs for about 150 total will be able to desimate those systems but still maintain good SQ
yea i know but see i only need it to push about 350 continuos.... so if i set the gains down to about "450" as they say it would push about a true 350 right???
other amp suggestions in the 130$ range that puts out 350w rms at 4ohms would be great
Unregistered guest
Posted on
BTW you guys aren't answering my first Q how loud will it get??
also i think im going to build it myself(sealed) but how do you figure out the cubic airspace??.. i don't know what the atlas is supposed to be at but i see people talking about 1.7/2.3 cubic airspace how do you know how much you have if you build it????
you can get a mtx801 off ebay for under 130 it puts out a almost 600 rms at 2ohms or at least mine does. I got mine for $145 including shipping in august and I like it. I have it with a mtx 9515 and it kills my coworkers audiobahn 12s. Sorry I cant help you with the sub I had never heard of atlas before coming to this forum.
As far as air space... Look around for a website with a calculator to figure out the dimensions or buy one of ebay to use at home.
ya just draw yourself a picture with the dimensions you are going to build and multiply L x W x H. using feet dimensions. it should come out to what you want. if not change one of the dimensions.