Guys, i think this is going to be my final setup this summer and keep it this way. first off, how big of an alt do u think i will need for it?
Ok, I want to do this. Either, 1 or 2 15 inch Ti, im leaning towards just 1 lol. SO lets say one, if i get one i would get the Interfire IFB-2340C for it at 2 ohms lol, Or if i get 2 ti's i would get 2 of these amps.
Then i would use my interfire IB2900C amp to push 2 RE RE 8s in kick pods up front?
Then an Interfire IB4700C to run Infinty Perfect 6.1s in the front.
and an Interfire IB4900C to push my 2 rears, i cant decide on speakers yet. What you guys think????
but for the kick pods, i cant decide on 2 8's, im thinking either 2 re re's, or 2 jlw7's w3v2s, or 2 8 inch or 6 inch w0's lol. Any other options, i want it to get loud in my face
jeez people, he wants some input.. i would say about a 300amp alt sub, and you gave me way too many choices for the kick pods.. so someone help him out! NOW!